Hello everyone! I am very pleased to share that we received our PPR this afternoon. Details as follows:
FSW-O Applicant; London VO
eAPR: 30th March 2017
BGC NA from the beginning (didnt check account everyday so dont know if IP1 happened on one of the days we hadnt logged in)
Medicals passed: 2nd June 2017
Review of additional documents:
1. No additional documents required (from the beginning)
2. Additional documents you provided are being reviewed (June 2nd week- No additional documents had been requested or provided)
3. No additional documents required (15th July 2017; after CSE raised on 4th July)
4. Additional documents you provided have been uploaded (16th August 2017- No additional documents had been uploaded)
BGC: Ongoing (16th August 2017)
PPR: 21st August 2017
This forum has been a great help and its a testament to the goodness of people in general, that complete strangers help each other out, share information and cheer each other up through this stressful process.
We wish everyone all the very best

and PPRs soon