Once u enter Canada as a PR u ought to set-aside* your nationality, religion, creed, beliefs, orientation etc. AND embrace the Canadian culture, traditions, temperament & way of life... to integrate into this country with ease & become a "Canadian".
It's 'only' with this virtue that u'd succeed... Else, u'd always remain an "Indian in Canada", or a "Chinese in Canada" and the like (no ill-intentions meant to any nationality here). And that'd take us no where... especially our kid/s -- they'd remain confused, ill-equipped for the socio-economic challenges & growth.
We have taken a decision to come to the North America/s - the choice was ours - and to amalgamate ourselves into this society - for the benefit of our family - to have a brighter future - see our further generation/s succeed -- how could that be possible if we yet remain in our cocoons? If we continue in our own sect / sub-groups? We got to break-free from that bondage & profess equality... We got to choose... choose what the terrain demands... and that is to be a 'Canadian at heart'!
If we do not -- we'd remain a 'minority' all our life in Canada -- then it's we alone to be blamed for the dis-integration of society... for our own failures... for 'crying wolf' when a 'white' calls us 'black or brown'... we shouldn't then crib 'discrimination' ! Didn't we call for it?
Would we accept another countryman set home in our homeland, but remain aloof to our ways of life? Won't s/he be marginalized?Be a mis-fit? That's We have a generation to look forward to, brothers...
Let's do what is right !
exactly what'd happen to us if we tread that path here, in Canada... We got to STOP what we partook in our erstwhile country & look at everyone here as 'one'... Else, we better remain in India, China, Pakistan or wherever... but that's not what we wanted, did we?
Let's be Canadians from day-1... that's the only way to succeed... Let's move forward... Let's make it 'one-world'... for pete's sake... for our kid/s sake... Else this immigration - this journey - will never be successful - for our families!
We have a generation to look forward to, brothers...
Let's do what is right !
*No one suggests u to forget or forego your religion/culture -- but keep it contained within the 4-walls of your home. While for the goodness of this society at large, pls go the Canadian way!