Drea said:
Hi Arif and Jawadahmed,
I'm in the same boat as you guys! After getting my PPR, my passport reached the London CHC on July20, 2010. I found my e-cas status changed to the following on August 4, 2010:
Medical results have been received.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
I hope this means that my visa is stamped? :
If so, I hope I get my passport back soon. Its been 3 weeks and 3 days without my passport and I'm planning to visit Italy for my birthday next month! Please keep updating! I will do the same!
I just compiled the statistics for some of us to share time line with others on this forum. So far we four are waiting for our Passports after our ecase changed to Decision Made.
Rami Farah, mine, Drea and Arif.
Let us share the PPR time line for better tracking...
A-Name B-PP reached London C-ecase changed to Decision Made on D-Courier call from AUH E-PP received back
Srinivas Inguva July13,2010(0 days from B) July 25,2010(12 days from B) ? 4th August(10 days from C)
JawadAhmed July27,2010(0 days from B) Aug10,2010(14 days from B) waiting waiting
Drea July20,2010(0 days from B) Aug 4,2010(15 days from B) waiting waiting
Arif587 ? Aug10,2010(14 days from B) waiting waiting
Rami Farah July29,2010(0days from B) Aug10,2010(14 days from B) waiting waiting
Others, who ever sent their passports to CHC-London in July 2010 and either received PP back or still waiting after their ecase changed from In progress to "Decision Made"; please join and share your time line here....