dear qorax,
In filling-up gen app form IMM-0008 question nos. 10 and 13 (for dependents) Current Country of Residence; what shall I put under status? For a person like you who's also from Dubai, stamped visa in the passport states that its "residence" but comes with an expiry date. If I select "permanent resident" from the status options, the validity dates greys out. Should it be more appropriate to put "worker" as the status? and what for the dependent children under my sponsorship?
Same form, but question no.1 for dependent's educational/occupational detail; i know this may sound funny but I just wanna make sure im answering all the questions correctly Tongue, my son's in KG, should I put "none" in his highest educational attainment, or otherwise? Grin
In proof of admission, since im applying thru London VO because of my current residence being in dubai UAE, my visa will be expiring on dec2013, would this suffice their requirement?
thank you for the help!