Hi everyone,
Just came back from an extended vacation and so much has hapenned, except on my case ;D.
I wrote an email to VO today to remind that my medicals are expring in mid april, and within 15 minutes I received the following reply:
The situation remains as previously advised and background checks remain outstanding. W regret that the checks will take several months and that the medical results are likely to expire before the checks are concluded.
We will advise further when we are in a position to do so.
A bit of a fix to be in, as my kid has to start university this fall. Not sure whether I pursue canadian universities or other universities under the assumption that it can take for ever for our approvals.
But no worries. I just have to replan the old plan with a dream to move in summer of this year

Sorry Bestpal, i cant party with you this year in Toronto. Maybe next year
