arjignesh said:
Hello Seniors,
I have seen most of the Dubai Applicants, when they get PR they just only visit and come back here.
Is it that Dubai is better than Canada?..If it is not why maximum people come back??
Just a query not offensive to any one....
Dubai Vs. Canada
Is the migration worth it?
-R u a citizen of the country where u presently live?
-Can u get the Nationality of that country, if u r an Expatriate?
-Can u stay/reside till "eternity" in that country?
-Can u do whatever u want there, even if it's not illegal?
-Can u buy a house "in a year" in that country?
-Even if u r less qualified or underemployed, can u think of buying a house?
-Will u get pension after your haytime is past in your current country?
-R u entitled to "unemployment insurance" there?
-Can your children be called First Country Citizens there?
-Can u vote & get to elect your representative at the senate
(in 4 yrs.)?
-Would u get to meet your MP - for personal matters?
-Does your child receive Free Education now
(& a good one at that)?
-Do u all receive Free Healthcare in that nation
(& the best too)?
-Do u like to reside in Asia rather than North Americas?
-Do u believe in equality of man & get it there?
-R u treated at par there alongwith the nationals?
-Can u still hold your head high under dire straits?
-Does the Cop call u "Sir" even while u r being ticketed?
-Can u purchase 50% of your goods there at cheaper rates than here?
-Could u buy a good used Merc in about
$12000? And a fairly new one in about
-Do u get your merchandize locally made or from EU/US, rather than China?
-Can u get homegrown foodstuff
(& organic too), not imported?
-Can u be least bothered about landlords increasing your rents?
-Can u be assured about Minimum Wages there?
-Can u go into Collective Bargaining with your employer?
-How about being self-employed, w/out the hassle of owenership/sponsorship?
-Do u receive about
$300-500/child as Free Allowance every month?
-If u get disabled
(God Forbid), can u call the Public Bus to your home doorstep?
-Can u daily bike to "whispering meadows" & live healthier?
-Does your patio open to natural greenery, all around?
-Can u come to your home basement & catch the Subway, w/out leaving the bldg?
-Can u call the world over in
$30/month, unlimited?
-If u r a single lady, will u be assured of safety & opportunities by your Govt?
-Can your wife be assured of Govtl. Support if u pass away
(God Forbid) uninsured?
Uhh... I could go on, but u'd be bored & awed further...
If most answers to the above is "Yes"... Then stay on in Dubai.
If 50% of them is "No"... Then Welcome to Canada!