After all these concerns still you applied for Canada, starange.Dr Eng X said:1st the decision is yours however you have touched many good points
"we are just presenting our own experiences"
2nd I had the same chance to be frank more than sometimes I regret that I left my chance of a job in dubai so think it very throughly... jobs in UAE are more secure and won't burn you is very fierce in Canada...and networking is more important than your skills
3rd I have lived in US and I liked the US...I thought Canada is almost the same like the US however it is not... and as you have said "in my words" Canadian government not only does not care about immigrants but it cares less about its citizens.
4th when Bush was asked about the American deficit and economic problems he said we'll take over Canada although this was a joke but in many sense it is true. The current government spent huge on airplane defense contract and that was a primary reason for the last election...
5th I think this point might help you a lot...if you are a worker NOT a professional most likely you will find a job in Canada however if you are highly educated with many graduate degrees it is very difficult to find a job in your field...I have seen it all
6th Canada unfortunately is NOT again (I repeat ) is NOT US and it does not pursue any advanced scientific programs...if a successful program started in Canada it is bound to get sold to US...some might keep their jobs while others might change
Good luck
When I applied (long ago) I did not have those concerns and things were a bit not get confused with my profile. I am a Canadian citizen sponsoring my wife.sho78 said:After all these concerns still you applied for Canada, starange.
If thats the case then its better to find some job in gulf and leave Canada.Dr Eng X said:When I applied (long ago) I did not have those concerns and things were a bit not get confused with my profile. I am a Canadian citizen sponsoring my wife.
Totally agree and I am looking for a job in US or the gulf however I have some things to get them done firstsho78 said:If thats the case then its better to find some job in gulf and leave Canada.
You are absolutely right my friend ,you got the point........ +1 for youjnathan said:Coming to a new country does not mean you'd be successful there. One needs to have plenty of studying on that country, their economy, their culture, employment systems etc. all those things together can yield something good. you need to work hard systematically as per the need of Canada. not as per your needs. its how fast you adjust yourself with a new country and how fast you learn.
I like the way to explain.edmonta said:Comparision of UAE & Canada given by Mr Quorax..
R u a citizen of the country where u live presently?
-Can u stay/reside till eternity in that country?
-Can u do whatever u want there?
-Can u buy a house in a yr in that country?
-Will u get pension after your haytime is past in your current country?
-Can your children be called First Country Citizens there?
-Do they receive Free Education now?
-Do u all receive Free Healthcare in that nation?
-Do u like to reside in Asia rather than North Americas?
-Do u believe in equality of man & get bit there?
-Do u get 50% goods @ cheaper rates than there?
-Do u get to drive a good used Merc @ $12000?
-Don't u want to be least bothered about landlords increasing your rents?
-Is 50% of that salary (Dubai one) Ok for the first yr, might be earlier?
-R u Ok with the same current salary in 1yr from now?
-And it increases (the salary) 50% thereon yr to yr?
-How about being self-employed, w/out the hassle of owenership/sponsorship?
-Do u receive about $300-500/child as Free Allowance every month?
...I could go on...
If the answers to the above is Yes... Then stay on in Dubai.
If 50% of them is No... Welcome to Canada!
I am a scientific man there is no falling in love with a country. My home is where I like. You ,guys , have to be objective when taking decisions. Also there is a difference between a country, the citizens of the country, the government,.. .Ambreens said:Dr Eng x, how much time elapsed since you fell out of love with Canada??? That is if you ever were in love with it..![]()
Fully agree with ur views, but some people take it personally when one tries to highlight the negatives as if Canada is their personal property and no one has a right to express one's views.Dr Eng X said:I am a scientific man there is no falling in love with a country. My home is where I like. You ,guys , have to be objective when taking decisions. Also there is a difference between a country, the citizens of the country, the government,.. .
Everyone has a different point of view and I respect that. I do not undermine someone because they disagree with me.
I have seen so many examples and what I concluded was based on them. Those who question me obviously did not read my references.
Unfortunately, our Canadian government claim to follow peaceful policy. However, when they want to serve the US interest (buy their airplanes, maintenance contracts go to war...):,_2011
instead of spending on developing our own and it is not that we can not
Then we complain about immigration of our scientist and skills to the US. Flashnews you did not keep them.
Then why accept skilled professionals in first place when they can not integrate to be helpful power in society. I have seen Doctors who work in cleaning, security, taxi drivers... They did what they can do to integrate. They took the exams as hard as they are and devoted money and time to get accredited. When the exam results expired before finding a job they retook it. They have been doing their best to integrate.
I was happy to see some changes in the skilled professionals demand as they dropped many of them. However those who already immigrated here what did we do for them. Also, those we are accepting them "Did we really help them through it?" The government offered them programs to adjust and adaptif you have a degree you can go to a community college and get a diploma! Start from the bottom of the ladder
....if you are a doctor you can be a nurse...if you are an engineer you can be technician, better if you can get a driver license you will be better as a driver....
If you followed and participated in the elections, you will understand
I have seen those program that on the surface they sound great. Almost all these programs are for making money ... if you wish to enroll in them mostly they start by teaching you English... mostly it is required...People need jobs not can not work because you do not have Networking, Canadian experience,...
Anyway, I really do not have time and who really cares ... Everyone is responsible for their own decisions and all I am providing is just my own and surrounding experience.
I'd love to see Canada as the best in all and it is not hard or impossible.
Canada is not my personal property, but I hate when people continue to live at the same place but they keep complaining. LIKE it or LEAVE it.ayazf said:Fully agree with ur views, but some people take it personally when one tries to highlight the negatives as if Canada is their personal property and no one has a right to express one's views.
I am Indian too , living in UK since 5 year (was in Germany too for 6 month project last year) and before coming to UK I been to Dubai and Saudi too for short visit .ayazf said:Dear All
After lot of deliberation and thought and weighing all pros and cons I think Canada is not the place what it is projected to be I'm planning drop the idea.
I am settled in a decent job here in Dubai and the idea of leaving the same and going into an unventured territory where everything is uncertain seems quite risky.
My reasons for thinking about Canada in the first place were good quality of life and avoiding things that I didnt like in my home country India that is insensitivity of govt towards its people.
Quality of life I think in Canada is good but to avail that one has to have enough money and social standing which i understand by reading the posts in this forum that the same is not very common with imigrants.
As for the insensitivity I think the govt of Canada too is insensitive to an extent to the problems of immigrants.
Whatever it is -this is what I think.Donno where things are headed for and whether I wasted all this time energy and money to chase a futile dream.
Feel lost and donno what to do..