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Driving speeding Ticket & Credit Card Judgement


Full Member
Jun 13, 2009
Hello Senior Lawyers;

I have a driving speeding ticket and a judgement obtained by credit card company to pay the small debt. (less than 2000). Will this record become issue. However after this Judgement, settlement happened and it is about to finish but Will it become a issue for indmissability? Is there anybody who ever had a issue regarding judgement obtained by these credit card compaines?? Also advice about the speeding ticket.
Sep 20, 2008
credit card stuff is a compelete seperate matter as far as I know, I had a bad debt for 3 yrs which I ended up paying 2 yrs ago but it was never been an issue and I've got my permanent residence.


Full Member
Oct 7, 2008
They will show if they dig that much but these are considered minor offenses. They are after the big meat:) Like homeland security issues, drugs etc. I think DUI is being considered too coz its a threat in the society. So don't do any of these at all.


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008
It can be a issue, they don't want people doing that in their country...and they are correct...specially with this economic crisis...so if I were you I would pay it soon and would never do this again...


Full Member
Jun 13, 2009
akk said:
It can be a issue, they don't want people doing that in their country...and they are correct...specially with this economic crisis...so if I were you I would pay it soon and would never do this again...
I want to know that will it be confirmly a issue or not? Certainly I have been paying and will pay it off. But Judgement obtained by Credit card company will refelect life long in my credit history even after paying it off. I want to know that will they ask if this card has been paid or simply make a decision?


Full Member
Jun 13, 2009
rascojenkins said:
Personally I don't think it will be an issue.

Not because it is my issue but I agree with you and hope it to be true as am continously working on it. And I think self research and lawyer's posted advice in his law firm's website can be most authentic. While US naturalization, Immigration, Citizenship doesn't even ask abou Bankruptcy then forget about small judgement obatained by credit card company. How can it be a criminal offense for canadian permanent residence? Please read and tell me if I am right:



Full Member
Jun 13, 2009
rascojenkins said:
Personally I don't think it will be an issue.
Now my question is:

Should I mention anything regarding this credit card Judge ment into Schedule 1 background form. The first check box:

been convicted, of, or are you currently charged with, on trial for, or party to a crime or offence, or subject of any criminal proceedings in any country?

There is space provided under all these questions. This place is to explain if any question is answered "yes". Since I am not in any crime, charge, offense or anything, I will answer "No".

Do you think that I should mention about this credit card judgement in that space so in case they find it atleast I can explain the situation. Any body please advise???

Sometimes I think if I don't mention and during background check they find, they may think that this was concealed?? isn't it?

Is there any other place in application where some extra information can be supplied so things remain transparent?


Jun 25, 2010
Job Offer........
mitzi said:
They will show if they dig that much but these are considered minor offenses. They are after the big meat:) Like homeland security issues, drugs etc. I think DUI is being considered too coz its a threat in the society. So don't do any of these at all.
Mitzi is right, DUI may not be an issue in terms of immigration requirements but you just shouldn't drink and drive anyway. Also, pay your bills! It will probably be easier to immigrate to Canada if you are a responsible person without a criminal record that has no financial issues. You're just setting yourself up for trouble down the road if you don't behave responsibly.


Hero Member
Nov 24, 2008
Hello Hotchick19,

Kindly review this article.


Hope it satisfy your inquiry.

don't listen to people that seems to discourage you or scaring you out canadian immigration,go ahead and make your dream a reality!! cheers and good luck!!!