With a four wheeler (LMV - light motor vehicle) indian driving license you can at max drive for 60 days in ontario after landing. Since you are new learner and don't have minimum of one year driving history (four wheeler) so don't bother about it.
Long story short, you need 'G' category license to freely drive cars around. To reach 'G' level, you need to pass through G1 and G2 stages. Since, you don't even have minimum one year driving history in your home country so you will be spending around one year at G1 level. What this means is that you cannot drive alone, you will need a person in passenger seat all the time and s/he should be a holder of minimum 'G' level license. Moreover, you cannot drive in expressways and alcohol level in blood should be 0%. Since, you are going in Dec' and it will be snowing there. In extreme cases, you might need some experience to drive on snowy tracks with chains on wheels.
Short story long, don't risk into these kind of unknown adventures in the first semester of your academic year. Use public transport and simultaneously take driving classes from govt. approved driving schools. They can help you obtain G1 category license to start wit
With a four wheeler (LMV - light motor vehicle) indian driving license you can at max drive for 60 days in ontario after landing. Since you are new learner and don't have minimum of one year driving history (four wheeler) so don't bother about it.
Long story short, you need 'G' category license to freely drive cars around. To reach 'G' level, you need to pass through G1 and G2 stages. Since, you don't even have minimum one year driving history in your home country so you will be spending around one year at G1 level. What this means is that you cannot drive alone, you will need a person in passenger seat all the time and s/he should be a holder of minimum 'G' level license. Moreover, you cannot drive in expressways and alcohol level in blood should be 0%. Since, you are going in Dec' and it will be snowing there. In extreme cases, you might need some experience to drive on snowy tracks with chains on wheels.
Short story long, don't risk into these kind of unknown adventures in the first semester of your academic year. Use public transport and simultaneously take driving classes from govt. approved driving schools. They can help you obtain G1 category license to start with.
Thank you very much. It was very much helpful. Now I won’t go into the driving license procedure. I’ll just learn driving. Thanks again !!