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Draft Gift Deed Template


Hero Member
Sep 29, 2016
I heard the one needs to provide the notarized gift deed as well as notarized affidavit for the gift deed.

Can anyone pls share the format/template of these 2 documents and how do they differ?


Mar 30, 2018
Hi all, can you please cast your eyes over this 'Draft Gift Deed' and let me know if I can improve it.

This Deed of Gift is executed today the (X) day of (Month), 2015 by (JoacRy’s father), aged (Y), years, s/o, residing at 123 ABC Street, (City), (Country) (here-in after called the ‘Donor’) in favour of the done (JoaRy) mentioned hereafter.

1. Where as the donor is absolutely entitled to $AUD X of his own free will, and accord, and while in a sound state of mind, is desirous of making a gift of aforesaid $AUD X to Joacry residing at 456 Fake Street, Canada.

2. And whereas for the purpose of giving effects to such desire the donor has delivered the amount of $AUD X via Electronic Bank Transfer Account dated dd/mm/yyyy for amount of $AUD X drawn on DEF Bank, Australia, favoring to JoacRy the Donee free from encumbrances to hold the same absolutely for ever.

3. That no other persons shall have any right over the above-mentioned assets during the life time of the Donor or thereafter.

6. The Donee shall now stand possessed of the said $AUD X and it may be utilized by the Donee in whatsoever manner and for whatever purpose is required for the purposes of settlement in Canada.

7. This gift shall be an irrevocable gift. Which is accepted by the Donee.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands this day, month and year first hereinabove written.

JoacRy’s Father
1. ------------------------ DONOR------------------------------


2. ------------------------ DONEE------------------------------
Hey JoacRy how did this work out? Did it go through one time?