ujbaby said:
Nicole, I am august applicant as well but just received very good news today on my gcms notes, I have passed eligibility and VO stated that he is satisfied with everything I provided so it was a huge relief for me but I still haven't got MR. but I am no longer worried because the notes also said that there is no adverse information. infact he is satisfied with my job duties and stated that it conforms with my NOC code. I still maintain that no news is good news at least from my case. I am very happy today, so u have to order ur gcms notes immediately if u haven't done so.

good luck to us all
Hey Ujbaby – Can you please explain about your status in Detail:
1. Criminality ?
2. Eligibility ?
3. Security ?
4. Medicals ?
Which VO officer did your eligibility review and when was it done?
For me GCMS as of May 2, Please find my details:
1. Criminality : In Progress ( Last update was on Sep 5’ 2012. This really pisses me off, why didn’t they initiate my Criminality till May 1. Criminality for my home country I mean which they do as a process)
2. Eligibility : In Process ( with Status : Recommended Pass) Done by JD01379 on May 2’ 2013
3. Security : Not Started
4. Medicals : Not Started
I am still waiting for my medicals. I should receive next set of GCMS in 2-3 weeks and I will share my details with everyone.
I have an impression that this VO is one of those VO’s who holds the application.