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Mar 13, 2017
I am planning to apply my GF as commonlaw, we are living together for a year now but different address, We didn't change our address to where we live but I really want her to be a resident in Canada. By the way I am not divorce yet or legally seperated all my documents are still under my previous status which is married. But I'm not leaving with my ex wife for almost a year now, our consultant tried her best to apply my present Gf and I for a commonlaw relationship.
Could you please help us if this documents are enough in order for us to apply her as my commonlaw.
> letters from friends on how we started
> old pictures, since we dated as GF and
BF, pictures with me and our son
> joint debit card information
> I submitted my T4 and Notice of Assesment for the past 2 years with my old address to prove that I am capable of sponsoring her.
> letters from our landlords proving that we live together for 1 year.
> our sons birth certificate
All this ingormation were submitted but my problem now is will it be approve where all my documents are still married and nothing was changed specially my Cra information.
Please help us in what to do.
Thank you


Jan 11, 2018
i am no expert here but i am applying for common law as well and the documents you have are not sufficient. You need to prove that you are separated, it doesnt matter that you arent divorce but you have to prove you are no longer with your previous partner. Also, i think is important to let CRA know about the change of your marital status. You can just call CRA and tell them.