audrey888 said:
Please update and share your post landing experience.
I arrived quite early, around 8am, parked my car nearby and walked across the bridge. Had to pay 50c to enter.
Took like 10 minutes to get to the US side, the officer asked the trip purpose, then asked some basic questions (name, birth date etc.) to confirm my identity then he gave me a refusal of entry for flag poling letter and told me I could walk back to Canada - I was the only one there so no waiting time at all.
Back to Canada, I entered the custom office, again no waiting time, told the officer I was landing, no question asked, he gave me a yellow paper and told me to to the immigration office, which is across the street.
I arrivied in the immgration office, no waiting time again (gotta love arriving early), I only gave the officer my passport, CPR and documents from border officers. he only asked me which province I was nominated and asked me to provide my current mailing address, then told me to take a seat. 5 minutes later, the officier called me over to sign the document and congratulated me.
I walked out of the office, crossed the street and bought a double chocolate chip with whipped cream on top from starbuck, walked around the garden for a bit then drove back home