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Jul 8, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
sunasir said:
Dear Dreamer
Thankyou again for so elaborated reply .One more querry (not about myself )what are the medical problems cosidered hurdle in medical clearance?
Dear Sunasir,

In my medical exams they only did standard X-ray chest,urine D/R,Blood test for only VDRL and HIV. I had a brief discussion with the doctor who conducted my medical checkup,He said they only conduct these test and send it to CIC if they require then only they'll ask for further test..one of the most frequent question asked by everyone is hepatitis,as my brother is B positive and also in process for residency I inquired as well to my surprise they are least concern about B or C,,they may ask you to take some further tests if you give any history of jaundice or prolong hospitalization...My advise to You all no need to give any extra details about any such ailment but you have to tell about surgeries as scar mark are visible on GPE.

The medical problem which often leading to rejection,TB,Chronic diabetes and hypertension as the person becomes more prone to other forms of complication,any heart disorders or diseases,carcinomas,any child with congenital deformities or special need..these are the main reasons for disapproval as they can be a public hazard as well put burden on Canadian economic by health expenditure..

There have been cases about a special need child or child with Congenital deformities who have been granted visa but few extra test conducted with the approval of the doctors at CIC,,,but they take consent from the principal applicant that he or she will be responsible for the individual and will not later on claim anything from the govt ,,,there have also been cases where a person suffering from certain illness were asked to get treatment and show a record of treatment from hospital or doctor and granted the visa.


Champion Member
Jul 1, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
July 25,2013
Dear Dreamer
I would be bit precise now ,one of our collegue who is going for medical next week came to my desk he was worried because his X-ray was reported by radiologist as [i]"there are some linear atelectasis in the middle lobe and lingula with mild obstruction of Lt.heart border.No acute focal consolidation is seen.Normal cardiac and mediastinal contour."[/i]He is physically fit no h/o TB or any other chronic illness even no h/o cough more than 3 days however he is moderate smoker for years. I gave him confidence and some other radiologist also told him its OK.
I want your and other seniors's comments on this issue.


Jul 8, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
sunasir said:
Dear Dreamer
I would be bit precise now ,one of our collegue who is going for medical next week came to my desk he was worried because his X-ray was reported by radiologist as [i]"there are some linear atelectasis in the middle lobe and lingula with mild obstruction of Lt.heart border.No acute focal consolidation is seen.Normal cardiac and mediastinal contour."[/i]He is physically fit no h/o TB or any other chronic illness even no h/o cough more than 3 days however he is moderate smoker for years. I gave him confidence and some other radiologist also told him its OK.
I want your and other seniors's comments on this issue.
Dear Sunasir,

As I mentioned above those diseases and certain conditions which will cause burden to health services may lead to rejection,as to condition which may cure with treatment may be considered for admission as I said people diagnosed with certain conditions are asked to get treatment and once proven they are treated or can be treated permission is granted for visa..as for your friend I don't think he should worry that much also try the link below some good info and info relating medicals.
I don't know why links are not being attach just copy and paste these sites



Extract from the Medical Request letter of CHC:

7. The Designated Medical Practitioner will arrange for the following tests:

- Large PA chest X-ray together with a radiologist's report for any person 11 yrs of age or older.
- Blood test (VDRL or similar test) for all applicants 5 yrs of age or older.
- A Urinalysis (sugar, protein, blood) for all applicants 5 yrs of age or older.
- HIV test for any person 15 yrs of age or older, children who have received blood or blood products, or have a known HIV mother, and all potential adoptees.

8. Additional tests may be required if a medical condition is identified. The Immigration Medical Services have provided guidelines to the examining physician, detailing medical situations/conditions which require additional tests. Allowing the examining physician to follow the guidelines at the initial appointment will expedite your application.

Medical Status codes found in CAIPS - EXPLAINED

M - Statement of Medical Status

Ml No health impairment sufficient to prevent admission

M2 Has a condition for which the degree of risk to public health or safety is not sufficient to exclude admission, but which risk should be considered in relation to other personal and social criteria.

M3 Has a condition for which the potential demand on health or social services is not sufficient to exclude admission, but which risk should be considered in relation to other personal and social criteria.

M4 Has a condition which is likely to endanger public health or safety to such an extent that the applicant is at present inadmissible, but for which the expected response to treatment is such that future admission could be considered.

M5 Has a condition which is likely to cause demand on health or social services to such an extent that the applicant is not at present admissible, but for which the expected response to treatment is such that future admission could be considered.

M6 Has a condition which is a danger to public health or safety and which is not likely to respond to treatment in such a way as to allow admission in the foreseeable future.

M7 Has a condition which could cause excessive demand on health or social services, and which is not likely to respond to treatment.

Please note that medical assessment is done on a case by case basis, taking all aspects of an applicant's condition into account.

CAIPS is an acronym for Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System. It is part of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) used by the Canadian Immigration Offices to process visa applications. Possibilities are there for any human (clerical ) error while making data entries from the individual applications consists of various forms,documents and certificates


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
How about if you had PTB before and completed the treatment regimen and considered inactive for lets say more than ten (10) years. Will he or she be still admissible?


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
to king khan, I would like to ask what level of education will I check in the application. I have six years primary four years secondary school, four years bachelors degree and four years medical school 1 year internship and five years of residency training. Will I get the full score for education background? I am not a pHD and dont have masterals thats why I am a bit lost there.


Jul 8, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
carl128 said:
How about if you had PTB before and completed the treatment regimen and considered inactive for lets say more than ten (10) years. Will he or she be still admissible?
Dear Carl,

Yes a person would still be considered admissible if have already taken treatment,and if the x-ray chest is very much clear..
from what i guess you have double bachelors degree,so 22points for that if single then just 20,10 points if you are below 49yrs of age,21 for your experience,lets give you say 16 for your English capability (mind it you need to score in speaking 6.5,reading 6.5,writing 6.5,listening 7.5 in IELTS to get the full 16 points),,,you have another 5points if you have any blood relative in Canada or in-laws,another 5 on adaptability depending on your spouse qualification,,,some extra points are 8 if you know french,,and 15 points if you already have job offer from Canada, overall I think you have enough points to get the dice rolling..
King-khan the question was directed to you,any suggestions here..


Full Member
Jun 16, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
Hi All,

My time-line is given as signature. Wish all of you a good luck for the rest of the process.



Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
thanks alot king khan


Champion Member
Jul 1, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
July 25,2013
:) people of my profession are really busy as evident from Forum progress :)


Star Member
Mar 31, 2010
Hi guys! Its hard but nt impossible to get into Canadian medical system...but sad story is that many of my colleagues inspite of clearing MCC exams still waiting for residency,few of them went to South Africa and adjusted...overall nt hopefull situation..anyhow doctors' life is busy and tough in every part of the world...God luck to every one.


Jul 16, 2010
hello All,

i am a doctor from pakistan....

i graduated in 2008..

then a year of house job n from 6 months im working in a pvt hospital....

i am thinking to apply in category 3112

my query is...

1.Does the 1 year of housejob experience is counted or not?

2. Is the teaching experiene as a demo in a med school counted or not?

3. Is Canada worth to be chosen for immigration or should i consider Australia....as many docotr friends told me that its not easy to get residency in Canada even after passing MCC Exam?

4. I work in private hospital and no pay slips is issued, rather i get salary in cash....so what to do about the pay slips?

Pls advise.....

Thanks in advance


Hero Member
Jun 5, 2010
I need someone to please help. Let discuss this possibility , this can be an alternative for us not abandon our highly cherished profession.

Does anybody have idea about how easy to cross to US after passing USMLE. Or how easy to get visa from canada to go do step 2cs in the US do they give visa easily for this exam. Visa to write step2CS is theoretically impossible from nigeria , is it possible from canada. Can one consider crossing over to do residency in the US.

please someone should contribute


Hero Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
01-09-2010 and received 08-09-2010; PER received 08-03-2011
AOR Received.
March 31, 2011
IELTS Request
Feb 25, 2011
File Transfer...
RBVO-April1, 2011
Med's Request
Med's Done....
May 31, 2011
Passport Req..
Hopefully in 2011
thanks dreamer, i thought king khan answered..


Star Member
Jun 19, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
already given
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
20-6-2011,d/m 28-06-2011,got passports back 6-07-2011
inshalla in mid september 2011
Hi S fahad
Regarding ur house job experience it is counted as a work exp as u r paid for it.
But for teaching in college ,I think it is not considered as a profession in 3112 as it doesn,t match with the duties of genaral practioner mentioned in the NOC.
As far as canadian immigration is concerned,yes it is hard for doctors to get residency there even after passing all the exams but I,v heard in different forums that they prefer young graduates so u may be the lucky one.In Australia its easy to get residency after passing AMC but it has it,s own set of problems.
Best of luck.


Star Member
Jul 4, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
1st AOR 30-03-2010
AOR Received.
2nd AOR 16-06-2010
Med's Request
Med's Done....
30-10-2010 & RPRF send on 04-11-2010
Passport Req..
Passport back -----16-12-2010
Dear Doctor please read this - posted by dr. Deva

I was a doctor in Bangladesh and I was working as assistant professor in a medical college and at the same time practicing as a consultant. My wife was also a doctor. We decided to migrate to Canada because we believed Canada is the greatest country in the world. We also considered about the future of our two daughters. We talked to many people and did a lot of research and were delighted to learn that Canada has a doctor shortage and if we move to Canada we will be able to serve the people, find reasonable source of income, and contribute to the progress and development of Canada. We continuously monitored the news and websites and read news and articles about immigration and social trends in Canada. We observed that Minister of immigration was continuously talking with the different interest groups and organizations for more than a year and then made a final list of skill shortage. I remember minister talked to Canadian Medical Council, Medical Association of Canada, Federal and Provincial Medical Agencies and other interest groups and different organizations representing the interest of people. Almost everybody agreed that Canada needs immigrant doctors.
We were very happy and thought that we made a very wise decision. We knew that to get license to practice in Canada we will need to appear in several examinations. We started collecting the books and materials, started our preparation and decided to appear in the examinations after we arrive at Canada. The whole process of immigration took less than one year. We landed in Toronto on April 6, 2010. That was a memorable day in our life. We were exhausted after a long journey. During our last days in Bangladesh we had to do many things. I left my job and did not get any benefit for doing my job for more than 15 years. I left my practice and patients behind me. They felt like forbidden and deserted and might also believe I was not faithful. I left my family and friends too. They were not at all happy. I knew life and things will not be same for us again. But we were dreaming and planning our new life in Canada and did not care for anybody's feelings.
So, we were tired and exhausted. The immigration law forces one to bring at least 20,000 Canadian dollars to Canada as financial security for family consisting of four members. My country did not allow us to carry more than 8000 dollars as immigration and revenue rules restrict the amount of international currency one can carry out of the country. So, we could not bring enough money and had to leave everything behind us.
We were really very tired when we arrived in Toronto on April 6, 2010. But there were dreams in our eyes. We lived in a guest house in Toronto for four days and then shifted to an apartment in 20 Teesdale Place, near Victoria Park Subway Station. We had to open an account in a bank and do some other essential things which every immigrant has to do in their first few days in Canada. We started buying furniture and spent a lot. We could buy old furniture but as a doctor my wife did not like to buy old furniture. We were very happy and dreaming.
On our fourth day in the apartment a man knocked at our door and introduced him as Kareh, a representative from Rogers. We were delighted because we were feeling the need to get a land phone line and did not know what to do. The man told us that Rogers was giving excellent service and going to give us three months service free of charge. He was persisting and we also were eager. I bought a mobile phone from Bell a few days ago and Mr. Kareh, although he had his own phone used my mobile phone to call Rogers and arranged for my connection. We did not understand many things what he said and believed everything what he said and considered him as a friend. He almost forced us to make a contract and said that we would get our connection on April 15. We were very eager to call our friends and near ones in Bangladesh and bought phone cards from a nearby supermarket as our Rogers package did not include international calls and started making phone calls to Bangladesh. Next two weeks we remained busy attending a workshop in Neighbourhood link Organization. We met other new immigrants and started sharing our experience. They were also very skilled did good jobs back home. We were occasionally hearing about some bad things but did not care.
Our first surprise came when we got the Rogers bill. We knew that we did not have to pay any charges for next three months but in the bill they charged us for making international calls. I talked to them and sent them email explaining that we always used phone cards for calling Bangladesh. But they were rigid and arrogant. I talked to the phone card company. That was also of no use. We thought there was some mistake and convinced ourselves and made ourselves belief that we made the mistake without knowing what was the mistake. The result was that we lost confidence in us and we stopped calling Bangladesh. One interesting thing was that Rogers repeatedly asked us to use Rogers phone cards instead of using phone cards from other companies for calling Bangladesh and offered us many options though the options were far more costly than using the phone cards from other companies. We stopped making international calls altogether and started feeling lonelier. We started losing faith.
We started looking for jobs and began getting the real experience of job market. I went several places and asked for a job and was surprised when they told me that they do not hire doctors for sales and related jobs. I told them I was interested to do the job and according to their advertisement no experience was required for the job and also I was healthy and interested for the job and ready to do anything needed to get the job done, but they were not interested to hire me. My wife was also looking for a job and at last found one after three months. But after she worked for three days the owner of the flower and gift store told her that that they did not require her any more and also she did not have any experience for the job. For three days in her job she worked hard and worked continuously to satisfy the customers from two PM to 9 PM. There were Father's day and other ceremonies and festivities around. So there were a lot of customers in the store. The owner needed somebody urgently. When this was over the number of customers declined and they did not need my wife's help anymore and they also did not have to show her any formality. Strange! We were surprised and my wife, although she was feeling depressed, started looking for a job again. I was also looking for a job. From the first day I continued sending my resume by email to prospective employers. I did not find any result. I went to several stores and shops and I was moving and looking for any new job openings everywhere. I started carrying my resume with me and kept on distributing like a salesman. Every owner and supervisor I talked told me straightway that they were not interested to hire any one without experience though in most of the cases in the advertisement for the job they did not mention about any experience needed and also most of the time mentioned that training will be given after recruitment. Our bank balance was alarming us. I was always consulting with others and tried to find what they were doing and how they were trying to adjust with the situation. I was feeling very depressed. I learnt from them that they tried to work with the employment placement agencies but most of the time employment agents placed them in very low paid labour positions in construction sites and factories and that was also for irregular terms.
Then we got the telephone bill from Rogers. In my contract it was mentioned that after three months of promotion we will be able to downgrade our phone and cable service and so I requested them to downgrade my service in June and got an email from the customer service department with a letter of confirmation mentioning that our service will be degraded after our free time limit expires on July 14. I also received other documents mentioning that the three months time limit is rigid and nobody can change it. They sent me the copy of contract signed by Rogers, the terms and an invoice showing the expected future bill and mentioned that these documents would be used for future reference. I was surprised to find that the bill was totally different from the suggested bills they sent to me previously as documents. I was also surprised to find that they charged me for previous cable connection which they were supposed to degrade. When I called them I heard different explanations from different persons and everybody referred me to some one else and none gave me the proper answer. One of them also surprised me by saying that I was using an extra cable connection. I told her that I was not using any extra cable connection and I was using only one TV. In my contract there was no mentioning about extra connection but they persisted on charging me for using extra connection and that was more than 7 dollars. I started sending emails and attached the documents which they sent me as reference but nobody wanted to see the documents and tried to realize what happened or confess their mistakes and continued to argue with me and repeatedly told me that they do not understand what I was saying. Ms. Janice, an employee at Rogers, in her reply mentioned that she is afraid to open the attached documents because she was afraid of security. I did not know what to say. I am still waiting to see good sense prevail upon them.
Now, we are feeling really depressed and helpless. We are losing our hope and we have started feeling desperate and do not know what will happen next. As we were looking for jobs we also considered different other options. We attended different seminars and workshops for immigrant health professionals. Everywhere we went they were repeatedly mentioning how difficult it would be for us to get license to practice and it would be easier for us to choose alternative options. When participants in those seminars asked the organizers and speakers about the possible options they mentioned about Personal Support Worker positions, security positions in the health clinics and as nursing assistants. They also mentioned about work in voluntary positions. But they failed to answer how we will earn and manage our families they could not answer. While doctors asked them whether they could arrange any educational courses so that doctors could prepare for their examinations or whether there was any funds or loans for attending courses for licensing examinations or for fees for examinations they remained silent. There only interest was to find doctors who would be interested to work as personal support workers in privately run clinic and nursing homes. It was Interesting to know that to become a PSW a doctor would need to attend a course and pay fees.
We are very happy because our daughters are happy and they like their school. We feel encouraged when my daughters, after going to their schools only for two months, get awards and recognition for their merit and academic performance. We feel encouraged when we see the enthusiasm among the teachers. We feel very happy to see Ms. Patty Hill at the Neighbourhood Link, who takes all the troubles to arrange summer camps for my daughters and enjoy their company and take great care. We are also happy because we met many people who really believe that we skilled immigrant doctors can use our skills and help people.
But we feel discouraged and sad when we see greed and tendency of exploitation in organizations like Rogers while dealing with customers like us, they forget that who are vey new to this country and we do not deserve to be exploited by anybody. We left everything behind us to come and get integrated into this society.