Hi do anybody have experience while dealing with Mps regarding cic application, I have WP extension file applied from 156 days no decision yet file on processing ,I contract my two local mp regarding this,
One reply me IRCC asking us to follow up our request 10 days again
Other mp's assistant told today we sent your inquiry two days ago and IRCC will reply us with 10-12 days,
My file is edmenton cass processing center , I know it has alot delay in processing but any idea these mps request can speed up process as its way more than processing time
One reply me IRCC asking us to follow up our request 10 days again
Other mp's assistant told today we sent your inquiry two days ago and IRCC will reply us with 10-12 days,
My file is edmenton cass processing center , I know it has alot delay in processing but any idea these mps request can speed up process as its way more than processing time