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Do I need a new lmo??


Hero Member
Oct 31, 2009
Yes you do....your employer needs to re advertise your position in the job bank for at least 2 weeks...also preferably advertise in a paid section of a local newspaper....this shows that the employer is genuine in their search for a Canadian candidate.

The employer should then gather all applicants resumes.....including yours.....and select those suitable for interviews.....this should be documented....and when all evidence of unsuccessfully finding a Canadian suitable for the position is available....this should be sent in with the LMO request.


Star Member
May 29, 2009
Does this apply to caregivers? I understood that there was no need for a new LMO for caregivers working for the same emplyer. When did this change? Where does it say that on the CIC web site? I have sent a letter to CIC Vegreville asking if this is so.

My caregiver got an intitial 1 year work permit as a caregiver and he has only been with me since may 2009. I understand that now caregiver permits are for 3 years and 3 months.


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
dben said:
Does this apply to caregivers? I understood that there was no need for a new LMO for caregivers working for the same emplyer. When did this change? Where does it say that on the CIC web site? I have sent a letter to CIC Vegreville asking if this is so.

My caregiver got an intitial 1 year work permit as a caregiver and he has only been with me since may 2009. I understand that now caregiver permits are for 3 years and 3 months.
Please let us know what CIC says. Many thanks.


Star Member
May 29, 2009
I phoned CIC. They said that there is no public number for CIC Vegreville. They also said that only one year work permits are being issued for caregivers now and that an LMO is required for every caregiver extension. For me this will mean that I will have to advertise this Jan and Jan 2011 so that my caregiver can apply for extensions which will qualify him to apply for landed immigrant status. My caregiver came on May 6 2009 and started working for me on May15 2009. Here is my time line.

Applied for LMO March 2007 which was appproved and expires on April 7 2010.
Caregiver sumbitted application in Manila Aug 2007
After contacting my local Member of Parliament in April 2009, the application was authorized in 2 days
Caregiver arrived in Canada May 6 2009. Total time to process, 26 months.
Caregiver started working for me 15 May 2009
Will need to advertise beginning Jan 2010
Caregiver will submit visa extension if no one is available to fill job
If extension is approved, new extension should be good for one year. May 6 2010 to May 6 2011
I will have to advertise again in Jan 2011
Submit new LMO again in Jan 2011
Care giver will have to apply for another extension if vacancy is not filled.
If extension is approved, it will be good for one more year, at which time he can apply for landed immigrant status after a work period of 24 months.

I am planning to visit my local MP again with this information. Also have to find out if my present LMO which expires on April 7 2010 will be valid for the caregivers work permit which expires on 6 May 2010.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2009
does all foreign workers eligible for applying for landed immigrant after thier 24mopnths of contracts here in canada?


VIP Member
Jul 27, 2009
norieltamayo said:
does all foreign workers eligible for applying for landed immigrant after thier 24mopnths of contracts here in canada?
If you are under the live-in caregiver program then you can apply for PR after working 24 months in 3 years. Otherwise you have to qualify under the CEC, PNP or FSW route.


Star Member
May 29, 2009
I think that one CIC worker from another CIC worker do not know what the curent regulations are regarding the necessity of LMO's for caregiver work permit extensions!

I phoned CIC again this morning and the lady CIC worker told me that they don't need an LMO for a caregiver work permit extension! I asked her to confirm this by email with an application kit.

MY comments on this thread only apply to caregivers. I don't have any information about other workers.

PMM: Where did you get your information?


Star Member
May 29, 2009
Here is the reply from CIC about caregiver extensions sent to my email and this clears it up for me:

Sir, Madam,

Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. I am pleased to provide you with the requested information:

As a live-in caregiver, if you have been in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver program for less than 3 years and you continue to work for the same employer, you do not need a new Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from Human Resources and Social Development Canada when applying to extend your stay in Canada as a worker.

If you want to continue working for the same employer, you will need to get:

a letter from the employer stating that you will continue to be employed on a full-time basis for an additional period of time;
a copy of a new, or extended, signed employment contract; and
for live-in caregivers working in the province of Quebec, a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) from the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles.
However, if you have been in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver program for more than 3 years and you choose not to apply for permanent residence or you do not qualify, you will need a new LMO to apply for a work permit, even if you are staying with the same employer.

Once you have the necessary documents, you can apply for an extension of your Work Permit through the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta. This application is available on our Web site. You can complete the application on-line and print it or print it and fill it out by hand.

The Internet links below will provide you with more detailed information:

Description: Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker
Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/extend-worker.asp

Description: Application fees
Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp

Description: In-Canada Application Processing Times
Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/canada/process-in.asp#temp_res

Description: Sample Contract
Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/caregiver/sample-contract.asp

Description: The Live-in Caregiver Program
Address: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/caregiver/index.asp

Description: Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles
Address: http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/index.asp