TO show that you are divorced, you have to produce the documents that you were legally divorced. In India, getting a marriage registered is mandatory, irrespective of whether you were married under the Hindu Marriage Act, the Muslim Personal law, or the special marriage act. Also, when a marriage is annulled, it has to be legally annulled.
A marriage that took place abroad must be valid both under the laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under Canadian federal law in order to be considered legal for immigration purposes. A marriage that is legally recognized according to the law of the place where it occurred is usually recognized in Canada, but the onus is on applicants to prove that their marriage is legal. And the same goes for the divorce.
The easier route for you would be to get a divorce decree based on your khulanamah and file that as a proof of divorce. Otherwise, you will need to file a lot of documents and can see have processing delays.