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Dividing work experience on LMIA required, LMIA not required


Star Member
Nov 17, 2014
Hi guys!

Whoever used to work on a open work permit (IEC, PGWP etc) and later on received LMIA/LMO for the same employer - did you divide your experience in your profile?

I came across this when I was thinking about the question they ask in the profile:

Which of these categories does your job fall under?

1.No work permit required
2.Work permit required, no LMIA required
3.Work permit and LMIA required

When I was on IEC (open work permit) I would not need LMIA which means answer number 2 is correct
When my Open Work permit was expiring I received LMO (same employer, same NOC), which means now I'm working on a ''closed WP'' with LMO - answer 3

Just wondering is there anyone else in the same situation?