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Ministerial Instructions [MI]
The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) of 2002 provides the legislative authority for Canada’s immigration program. IRPA contains various provisions that allow the Minister to issue special Instructions to immigration officers to enable the Government of Canada to best attain its immigration goals. Ministerial Instructions (MIs) are typically issued for limited periods of time, and can touch on a diverse range of issues, from temporary resident processing to federal skilled worker selection and application intake measures. Applications are currently being processed under the following MIs:
Ministerial Instructions (MI1): Federal Skilled Workers
Ministerial Instructions (MI2): Federal Skilled Workers, Canadian Experience Class, Immigrant Investor Program
Ministerial Instructions (MI3): Federal Skilled Workers, Immigrant Investor Program, Entrepreneurs
Ministerial Instructions (MI4): Parents and Grandparents, Federal Skilled Workers
Ministerial Instruction regarding the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa
Ministerial Instructions (MI5): Federal Skilled Workers, Immigrant Investor Program
Ministerial Instructions protecting vulnerable foreign workers from the risk of abuse and exploitation in sex trade related businesses