1. University Category is exclusively for students who have an offer letter from a Canadian University.rkapoor said:While applying for study visa
One should go for which category
What are the differences????
thank you KashifKashif995 said:1. Yes
2. If you read the University checklist you'll find that you have to submit these two things :
a) PREFERRED OPTION for proof of funds: Evidence of purchase of a special Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) from a participating Canadian financial institution, in the amount of $10,000 CAD to cover living expenses for your first year in Canada and evidence of payment for your tuition.
As an alternate option, you can fulfill the financial requirement by submitting a copy of the receipt for your tuition fee) AND a copy of an Educational Loan from an Indian Chartered Bank equivalent to $10 000 CAD.
b) Copy of receipts for payment provided by the University.
So, Yes! You'll have to pay the tuition fees in advance.
Why would you want to apply under General????rkapoor said:OK
That means
I can only apply under university category
As Concordia is nt under SPP I cannot under SPP as well
Does this means that I cannot appy under general ??
In any of the three categories, pre-payment of University fees for first term is strongly recommended!rkapoor said:bcoz I havent paid the fees
I will pay it once i reached there
And I have applied for bank loan for approx 25000$
So without paying the fees I have only option under general category
hi...what is the difference between UNIVERSITY CATEGORY and GENERAL CATEGORY visa?In any of the three categories, pre-payment of University fees for first term is strongly recommended!
You can apply without paying the fees, but it will reduce your chances of getting a visa.