ı went to canada TWO yeras ago TO study a degree ın economics. Firt year,ı have studıed english to pass the english profıcency test (TOEFL). I paased the test then APPLİED admission to the university. And ı was admitted for 2006 september to the university of TORONTO, to the department of economics.I applıed for extension of my study permit and the immgration canada issued a year student visa.I started school ın 2006 september but had to quit it in 2007 feburary due to the severe financial problems back home ın Greece.I have left canada 2007 june and came home to greece.Almost a year ı didnt go to school.I left canada voluntarily.Also ı applıed for green card lottery for 2009. ı have recıeved a winner notificaton letter fronm KCC last month stating that ı am among those winners for 2009.
1) ı have stayed ın canada for a year not attending to school. WOULD that be a problem for me on the green card interview.
2) DO the USA and CANADA have joınt agreements? For instance if some one ın one country NOT FOLLOW THE immgration rules then he or she would be inadmisible to both canada and USA ? OR DO THEY HAVE SEPERATE RULES.][
ı went to canada TWO yeras ago TO study a degree ın economics. Firt year,ı have studıed english to pass the english profıcency test (TOEFL). I paased the test then APPLİED admission to the university. And ı was admitted for 2006 september to the university of TORONTO, to the department of economics.I applıed for extension of my study permit and the immgration canada issued a year student visa.I started school ın 2006 september but had to quit it in 2007 feburary due to the severe financial problems back home ın Greece.I have left canada 2007 june and came home to greece.Almost a year ı didnt go to school.I left canada voluntarily.Also ı applıed for green card lottery for 2009. ı have recıeved a winner notificaton letter fronm KCC last month stating that ı am among those winners for 2009.
1) ı have stayed ın canada for a year not attending to school. WOULD that be a problem for me on the green card interview.
2) DO the USA and CANADA have joınt agreements? For instance if some one ın one country NOT FOLLOW THE immgration rules then he or she would be inadmisible to both canada and USA ? OR DO THEY HAVE SEPERATE RULES.][