Quote from: chasley on July 01, 2011, 09:30:50 pm
hi im 21.years old now and im under the family class sponsorship of my turning 21 when my mother submitted the papers to the embassy and i just need some advices if do i have to enroll a certain corse or do i hve to be a full time student for me to be consider as a dependent child for in fact im already graduated and passed the board exam already..
Your age is 'locked in' at the date the application is received by the government, in your case 21. So you do not have to continue to study. However, you cannot get married or live common-law until the processing of the application is finished and you have received the PR.
In order to meet R2(b)(i) of the definition of “dependent child”, a child must be under 22 years of age and not a spouse or common-law partner on the date when the IMM 1344AE is received by CPC-M, and not a spouse or common-law partner when the visa is issued, and when they arrive in Canada.
R2(b)(ii) & (iii) describe children over the age of 22 who may be considered dependent children if they are substantially dependent on their parents for financial support. This includes full-time students enrolled in accredited post secondary institutions or children with a physical or mental condition. In such cases, officers must ask for documentary evidence of full time attendance at school, evidence of the institution's accreditation with the relevant authority, evidence of the physical or mental condition and evidence of financial dependency on parents.