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DELAY/LATE Settlement Plan 2 (SPONSOR)


Dec 21, 2013
This is a bit depressing to read, as it is a result of a complete negligence but I hope you guys can help me. This is one of the only hopes I have from days of agonizing WORRY about my settlement plan. The worst is I don't even know if I should worry or not.

So I have filed and got my file number 2 days after the online application. I was not aware that my sponsor was supposed to SEND in any way, the Settlement Plan 2 WITHIN 30 days of sending it to him.

The problem is, my sponsor was on HOLIDAYS for 2 months (60 days) and was not able to check the e-mail sent to him for the completion of Settlement Plan 2. It is a really careless move, I know and you don't need to bash me for this but as soon as I got the file number, I already told him the good news, filing was done yada yada and told him to wait for calls or some sort. He said yes, I'll be ready for it, we're really excited for calls/emails and we really didn't see it coming 2-3 days after, or worse, having it DEADLINED for 30 days. It has been a month since he submitted it late and up till now no calls or emails.....

Please rescue, we really want a clear opinion on what will come next. Should I brace myself for denial or things like that? This is really killing me. Help me please who has been on the similar sail?

Filed: October 1, 2013
Settlement Plan 2: November 25, 2013
General Stream
Sponsor: Close Friend / Family Friends

THANK YOU, really.


Star Member
Apr 10, 2011
Hi i know its bit late.. i just wanna know what happened after your late submission of sp2. I think we are late for a day .. have they replied.. how many days are u late