I've been interested in buying an existing business, and have had a number of questions rumbling around my mind unanswered. I'd like to know answers to the following questions and have a better idea of how businesses being sold are treated and analyzed before they're sold.
1. When buying an existing business, what paperwork should you require you to see before attempting to do so?
2. How can it be verified? Who do you need to obtain it?
3. Do you need a private accountant? an attorney? Both?
4. Should you review them with any of those professionals? Just review them yourself? Does it depend?
5. How can you verify the business owner's owner's discretionary cash flow?
6. Revenues? Assets? Furniture, fixtures, and equipment? Book value of the business?
7. When buying a business, should you bid to buy it based on it's book value, asking price, market value or something else?
8. When business owners are selling their businesses -- are they selling them based off their book value? Selling them for exactly their book value? Their "owner's equity" located on their balance sheet?
1. When buying an existing business, what paperwork should you require you to see before attempting to do so?
2. How can it be verified? Who do you need to obtain it?
3. Do you need a private accountant? an attorney? Both?
4. Should you review them with any of those professionals? Just review them yourself? Does it depend?
5. How can you verify the business owner's owner's discretionary cash flow?
6. Revenues? Assets? Furniture, fixtures, and equipment? Book value of the business?
7. When buying a business, should you bid to buy it based on it's book value, asking price, market value or something else?
8. When business owners are selling their businesses -- are they selling them based off their book value? Selling them for exactly their book value? Their "owner's equity" located on their balance sheet?