For the last few weeks I've been searching for information on what to include for Offer of Employment for a current employer. It's been tremendously frustrating and infuriating and I've only found contradictory advice and no real I'm thinking that I should just go into my profile and change the answer for if I have Arranged Employment to NO. I would lose 50 points, but I would avoid my application possibly being rejected because I put the wrong document for as an Offer of Employment.
Even thought I'd lose 50 points, I'd still well above the cutoff point for the draw (CEC) I was invited from. Would it cause a problem with the immigration officer to change the arranged employment answer and then still submit my application, or should I decline the invite, change my profile, then go back into the pool and wait to be invited again?
Even thought I'd lose 50 points, I'd still well above the cutoff point for the draw (CEC) I was invited from. Would it cause a problem with the immigration officer to change the arranged employment answer and then still submit my application, or should I decline the invite, change my profile, then go back into the pool and wait to be invited again?