scylla said:
It's impossible for any of us to say what will happen. It's entirely possible CIC may refuse your application without asking for an explanation.
I have not have the chance to explain,,,I apply under live in caregiver in 2006, in 2008 I met a girl she got pregnant..during her pregnancy she left and I did not know what happen to her pregnancy after that..I left my country in 2009.. In 2010 I met my wife here in Canada she is a caregiver too, we got married now whe have 2 kids...up to that time I did not if I have the child since I did not heard anything since I left in 2009. In November ,,1 week before our interview my mother told me over the phone that she saw the girl with the child and apparently told my mother that the child I s mine and was born in late 2008, my mother asked her where she, the child leave but the girl refuses to tell my mother and even do not have any proof or birth certificate to show......
Upon knowing the facts, I did not know what to do,,,bec. It's only a week now for our the only chance for us is to tell that to our interview.....that's is what happen...
We have not explain thoroughly all of these on that time since the office told us the after I told her about the child,that our interview is cancelled and the cic will contact us for any decision regarding these""""
If we will be refue without any explaination,,,,Its very unfair because w e just do the right thing