I got my visa on 10.01.2014 and visa expiry was 04.04.2014. Not even 3 month's time for me to prepare/ nor enough time to serve full notice period at my existing employer.
Had to pay compensation to employer for not fully serving the notice period.
Landing in toronto in 3 days time

. But could not prepare/research to the extent I wanted to.
Anyways.. My advise to my the forum members who are waiting for passports to start preparing / researching in advance and prepare well for new life..
1. get necessary documents translated in english(if translation reqd)
2. Get credentials assessed asap
3. Attend CIIP session and research well as guided by them. Use their tools/ links provided.
4. Make necessary planning about the POF you are going to carry and in what form (DD/TC/cash).
5. If possible open bank account in Nova Scotia from your home country.
6. Read about landing formalities. what you can carry and what not? What things to declare? What questions may be asked by the IO. etc etc