Its just a matter of a fortnight or so and things will start getting clearer. All of us have been waiting for so long but we need to wait a little more and hopefully all our woes will end this month with the visa stamped passports in our hands...
I dont have any idea how long the CHC remains closed for visa stamping purposes after the christmas but if anyone has been to the middle east during id festival, they will know that all the government offices there remain closed for about a month or so. So such rather long breaks are not uncommon and my consultant too told me the same about this break as have other's consultants.
Whatever may be the case, those first seven days are almost over now so most probably they will start rolling the visas by 15th of this month... if not earlier.
In-Process seems to be a generic term and includes a whole lot of activities on the CHC's end so EMUZKHN bhai, just wait and things will fall in line on their own.
Keep praying .....