Hi All,
On Wednesday June 26, 2013 I received a reply to my email sent on June 16, 2013 to CPP-O inquiring about my ecas status changed to decision made. I think it's worth sharing with you all. They replied
Dear Sir,
We tried sending a letter by email, but was unsuccessful.
We have since sent a letter by mail on the 12th of June, 2013, to the following address:
Please confirm reception of this letter.
Which means they sent my PPR mail before my ecas status changed to Decision made and before I sent them email on June 16 and fax on June 20, 2013.
My registered email with CIC is aol. The only reason I think they couldn’t send my PPR email is that my aol mail server filtered it as spam and didn’t even deliver it in the spam box. Later I changed the spam settings to low and tried sending a test email with the same PPR scanned attachment sent by CPP-O from my yahoo email address and to my surprise even this time the email was filtered and was never delivered on my aol. But the same test email was delivered to my gmail account.
Anyway, wish every one luck for PPR.