ranaway said:URGENT!!
I just got this email!
We understand that your application for permanent residence with Citizenship and Immigration Canada has been finalized. This means you will soon be living in Nova Scotia as a permanent resident.
Services are available for nominees and their families whether living in Nova Scotia or living outside Canada.
You may have already contacted the Nova Scotia Start Program and registered with them.
If not, we strongly encourage you to do so at this time. Contact with settlement staff at Nova Scotia Start will make your move and transition to Nova Scotia easier.
The program is online at www.novascotiastart.ca
Wishing you all the best.
Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
BUT I haven't got PPR from Ottowa yet... What's going on? I tried to call Nova Scotia immigration office. They have no idea why i am getting this email from them...
Hi ranaway,
Congratulations its good news, i can understand how you feel as they still not demanded for PPR!!!!!
I am wondering did this one is in response of your email?