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December Application OINP


VIP Member
Aug 11, 2015
10th June 2017


Note: Only Nomination shall be updated henceforth.

USERNAME                      RECD              AOR               CAT          STATUS
[color=green]Antoman                       01st Dec          08th Apr          FSW              [/color]     
[color=blue]Oloriire                      01st Dec          07th Apr          FSW          Nominated 05/10[/color] ;)
[color=green]jondam                        01st Dec          08th Apr          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]AmBina                        01st Dec          08th Apr          FSW             [/color]                   
[color=green]Frankiefun                    02nd Dec          15th Apr          FSW          [/color]
[color=blue]s2l                           02nd Dec          04th Apr          FSW          Nominated 06/10[/color] ;)                   
[color=blue]Vivekskumar8544               03rd Dec          11th Apr          FSW          Nominated 27/09[/color] ;)
[color=green]tgman                         03rd Dec          13th Apr          FSW          [/color]                     
[color=green]jaamit                        03rd Dec          12th Apr          FSW            [/color]
[color=green]Donakinzo                     04th Dec          20th Apr          FSW             [/color]
[color=green]Uzzy                          04th Dec          16th Apr                       [/color]
[color=green]Dentcan                       04th Dec          16th Apr                       [/color]
[color=green]Megrav                        04th Dec          18th Apr                       [/color]
[color=blue][b]tari7499                      04th Dec          14th Apr          FSW[/b]          Nominated 30/09[/color] ;)
Ashu0729                      07th Dec          Pending
[color=green]adichaurasiya                 07th Dec          20th Apr                       [/color]
[color=blue][b]kora                          07th Dec          22nd Apr          CEC          Nominated 30/04[/b][/color] ;)
[color=green]mrinal3757                    07th Dec          19th Apr  [/color]                            
[color=blue][b][b]Leo_NB                        07th Dec          05th May          CEC          Nominated 10/07[/b][/color] ;)
[color=green]lovelyece                     08th Dec          06th may          FSW          [/color]
[color=blue]Shashank                      08th Dec          06th may          FSW          Nominated 06/10[/color] ;)
[color=green]38018                         08th Dec          22nd Feb          CEC          [/color]
[color=blue]Skanawat                      08th Dec          29th Jan          FSW          Nominated 09/08[/color] ;)  
[color=green]Sedlris                       08th Dec          04th May          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]girish979                     08th Dec          27th Apr                       [/color]
[color=green]7asweh                        08th Dec          06th May                       [/color]
[color=green]spikegin                      09th Dec          17th May                       [/color]
[color=green]Arsalan khan                  10th Dec          19th May                       [/color]
[color=green]jwahba                        10th Dec          17th may                       [/color]     
[color=green]Bk7                           10th Dec          17th May          FSW          [/color]
[color=red][b]hareshsandeep                 11th Dec                            CEC          Returned[/b][/color]
[color=blue]DreamSRk                      11th Dec          20th May          CEC          Nominated 28/09[/color] ;)
[color=green]AK1285                        11th Dec          18th May                       [/color]
[color=red]alpi007                       11th Dec                                         Returned[/color]
[color=green]Melissach                     14th Dec          25th May          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]Abhowmik                      14th Dec          02nd Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]Paula-Vilaca                  14th Dec          27th May          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]souriju                       14th Dec          10th May          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]JMD999                        14th Dec          09th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]SR1978                        14th Dec          19th May                       [/color]
[color=green]sam_101                       14th Dec          26th May          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]trilokcic                     14th Dec          01st Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]ChapImmigrate                 15th Dec          01st Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]AhmedAbdelazizr               15th Dec          02nd Jun          FSW[/color]
ashwanee                      15th Dec          Pending       
[color=red][b]hemche                        15th Dec                            FSW          Returned[/b][/color]
[color=green]sisia                         15th Dec          02nd Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=blue]kovthe                        15th Dec          03rd Jun                       Nominated 28/09[/color] ;)         
[color=green]Phoenix007                    15th Dec          02nd Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]hanimorrar                    15th Dec          01st Jun                       [/color]                      
adeep9                        15th Dec          Pending           CEC          
[color=green]akashdesai                    15th Dec          02nd Jun          CEC         [/color] 
[color=green]H O N E S T                   16th Dec          07th Jun          FSW     [/color]
[color=green]Lpbe                          16th Dec          07th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]preciousada                   16th Dec          08th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]hachuflay                     16th Dec          07th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]avalancher                    16th Dec          13th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]tolexy                        17th Dec          10th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]nitinmall                     17th Dec          09th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Mr Optimist                   17th Dec          09th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]hayman                        17th Dec          14th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]A. Syed1                      17th Dec          13th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]kulyoma                       17th Dec          10th Jun                       [/color]
[color=blue]emilywym                      17th Dec                            CEC          Nominated 13/05[/color] ;)
[color=green]JMRG                          17th Dec          08th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Dan504                        17th Dec          10th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]charldr                       18th Dec          13th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]jaimin227                     18th Dec          10th Jun                       [/color]
[color=blue][b]Dominika                      18th Dec          07th Jun          CEC          Nominated 03/08 ;)
[/b][/color][color=green]kimkim2015                    18th Dec          10th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]alepops                       18th Dec          10TH Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]leksmipriya                   18th Dec          13th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=blue]TheGuitarist                  18nd Dec          13th Jun          CEC          Nominated 30/09[/color] ;)
[color=blue][b]cansingh86                    21st Dec          09th May          CEC          Nominated 20/05[/b][/color] ;)
[color=green]sameermicheal                 21st Dec          13th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]ohmygoditsdhaval              21st Dec          14th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]subin_India                   21st Dec          15th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]t3kids                        21st Dec          14th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]myangelbei                    21st Dec          14th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]s.abuhass                     21st Dec          22nd Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]Managerchap                   21st Dec          17th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]rahulP                        21st Dec          17th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]mawcanada                     21st Dec          15th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]spearmint                     21st Dec          14th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Maindola                      22th Dec          21st Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]baboobbum                     22nd Dec          22nd Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]hiheha                        22nd Dec          21st Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=blue]Bestofluck                    22nd Dec          23rd Jun          FSW          Nominated 06/10[/color] ;)
[color=green]ramsubbiah1984                22nd Dec          20th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]Mayur553                      22nd Dec          15th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]Dhasha1                       22nd Dec          20th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]Mayu2605                      23rd Dec          21st Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]ammi1271                      23rd Dec          06th May          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]patnikrishna                  23rd Dec          28th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=blue][b]npr647                        23rd Dec          11th May          CEC          Nominated 20/05[/b][/color] ;)
[color=green]Alexander_hitch               23rd Dec          27th Jun          CEC          [/color]
luvanuj                       24th Dec          Pending                                   
[color=green]Halima_9ja                    24th Dec          22nd Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]HopeFTBest26                  24th Dec          23th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]AmirHNK                       24th Dec          22nd Jun                       [/color]
[color=red]sinab                         24th Dec                                         Returned[/color]
[color=green]roshantrv83                   28th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Thundercookie                 28th Dec          11th may          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]maged_mmh                     29th Dec          24th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]praneet87                     29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Sunny_CV                      29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]mangat2016                    29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]ziad87                        29th Dec          24th Jun          FSW  [/color]        
[color=green]Iman.G                        29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Ahmad Shqair                  29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Neel0526                      29th Dec          24th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]willitwork                    29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]Kerryberry17                  29th Dec          17th May          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]ronix                         29th Dec          24th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green][b]Akhil5293                     29th Dec                            CEC  [/b][/color]        
[color=green]gagan_dhillon                 30th Dec          25th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]DigitalDestiny                30th Dec          29th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]Joantasik                     30th Dec          24th Jun          CEC [/color]                              
[color=green]sumitisace                    30th Dec          27th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]gui0506                       30th Dec          9th May           CEC          [/color]
[color=green]michelle567                   30th Dec          27th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]IAMFINE                       30th Dec          29th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=blue]KJHOT                         30th Dec          29th Jun          CEC          Nominated 28/09[/color] ;)
[color=red]chintandarji                  30th Dec                            CEC          Rejected[/color]
[color=green]kanika786                     30th Dec          11th May          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]ABC_27                        30th Dec          27th Jun          FSW          [/color]
[color=green]SantoshCEC                    30th Dec          24th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]jaimaicangirl88               31st Dec          28th Jun                       [/color]
[color=green]bananamilk                    31st Dec          27th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]guri87                        31st Dec          27th Jun          CEC          [/color]
[color=green]china_cse                     31st Dec          27th Jun          CEC          [/color]


Star Member
Mar 7, 2016
bestofluck said:
They are so fast , once you get additional doc req it will be soon a nomination. just now 14th Dec in progress and it will take about a week for you
@bestofluck; congratulations on the nomination! I was away for a some days from the group and noticed the good news :) Glad that all the waiting finally paid off :)

By the way; I received last week a request for duplicate WES assessment and I have requested it online and was processed. Do you think It will take long time to ask for other documents? and by the way; did you get any call or anything additional to the payment slips and financial status ?

One last question; should my bank account be REALLY HIGH? or is it enough to be above the required amount to be eligible?

Thanks in advance :)


Hero Member
Feb 17, 2015
NOC Code......
s.abuhass said:
@bestofluck; congratulations on the nomination! I was away for a some days from the group and noticed the good news :) Glad that all the waiting finally paid off :)

By the way; I received last week a request for duplicate WES assessment and I have requested it online and was processed. Do you think It will take long time to ask for other documents? and by the way; did you get any call or anything additional to the payment slips and financial status ?

One last question; should my bank account be REALLY HIGH? or is it enough to be above the required amount to be eligible?

Thanks in advance :)
it is okay to h have exactly the same amount that you have mentioned in the application.


Star Member
Apr 13, 2016
Mira Hassan said:
Thanks every one for attempting to help me ...I should actually pay you all instead of my immigration advisor ;)
What is the best option from the followings
Option 1- Don't accept any invitation on the coming Wednesday and let my express entry expire...Repeat the IELTS, make a new express entry profile with CRS above 400 and ask Ontario to add nomination to it (But what is the validity of the nomination I received? any idea?
Option 2- Accept the invitation the coming Wednesday and then repeat the IELTS and include the new IELTS after I get the needed score then submit to CIC..but what will happen to my profile on 16 when my profile expires? will my express entry close as the included IELTS is expired although I accepted invitation to apply or it will be open to add the new IELTS with the correct score.

I am afraid that It is nearly impossible to submit all my file before 16 as advised..not sure I'll be able to receive medical..

Waiting for your thoughts...thanks
Stanlee said:
1. You do not have an option to accept ITA, you either fill all the information and submit it within 60 days or you decline it.

2. If you have already received nomination, it will be valid for a period of 6 months. In case your profile expires, you can create a new one, under Application Details section, there is question which says whether you have received any provincial nomination. Answer Yes to it and provide the details, probably 600 points will get added if you answer Yes and provide the details. Also intimate OINP about the new profile as the nomination certificate would have been issued with the old profile number. So with the new profile and 600 points added to it, you will get invited in every draw.

3. If your IELTS expires before ITA, then your profile would become ineligible even after you have received 600 points for nomination, so there is no other way, but to create a new profile.
Looking the at application guide and all reviews, I would agree with maged_mmh to some extent(NOT by sentence but by meaning) that is Mira Hassan do not have both the option she has listed. I would also partially agree with our super hero bestofluck also ;D
Though it was little rude part from bestofluck to say bluntly maged_mmh is wrong, any way leave it, it often happens in debate.... :p

In application guide shown by bestofluck, it is clear that after you got nominated but before apply PR if score falls below 400, you need to inform OINP else your PR application will be rejected(meaning something said by maged_mmh). If you inform them they will withdraw your nomination which is also rejection for PR. If both case will leads to rejection then why we need to inform OINP? What I understand is that OINP will withdraw your nomination from current profile but since nomination valid for next 6 months they will add u when your score improves and u have 6 months time for same.

So what I feel that Mira Hassan nomination is still valid even though her score got below 400 after nomination but in this situation she should not apply for PR now.
My advice would be first apply recounting subject missing 0.5, second apply for next available date for IELTS again, third Tue call OINP and clarify the stuffs.
I am not sure but I feel that she should withdraw her application express entry now and re-apply only after IELTS get improved.
Actually it was good for Mira Hassan there was no draw on last wed because she is still in pool but did not get ITA, as per seniors after ITA only your options is to accept or reject it, there is no withdraw. OINP application guide correct meaning should be if you got nominated and did not get ITA then you can just withdraw her Express Entry application and if your nominated and also got ITA then do not submit application for e-APR just inform us and we will withdraw your nomination from current profile.
Since your nomination is valid for 6 months if you could improve your score to above 400 then you can re-apply with same nomination.

I feel Mira Hassan should not have updated lowered score in Express entry but withdraw application from Express entry.
Improve the score by re-valuation or re-writing IELTS and the re-apply with new profile and new job code but same nomination.
All above is just my understanding from application guide and various seniors view point compilation. Please take decision only after talking to OINP and I feel they will also advice same you withdraw Express Entry profile.


Hero Member
Jun 29, 2015
souriju said:
Looking the at application guide and all reviews, I would agree with maged_mmh to some extent(NOT by sentence but by meaning) that is Mira Hassan do not have both the option she has listed. I would also partially agree with our super hero bestofluck also ;D
Though it was little rude part from bestofluck to say bluntly maged_mmh is wrong, any way leave it, it often happens in debate.... :p

In application guide shown by bestofluck, it is clear that after you got nominated but before apply PR if score falls below 400, you need to inform OINP else your PR application will be rejected(meaning something said by maged_mmh). If you inform them they will withdraw your nomination which is also rejection for PR. If both case will leads to rejection then why we need to inform OINP? What I understand is that OINP will withdraw your nomination from current profile but since nomination valid for next 6 months they will add u when your score improves and u have 6 months time for same.

So what I feel that Mira Hassan nomination is still valid even though her score got below 400 after nomination but in this situation she should not apply for PR.
My advice would be first apply recounting subject missing 0.5, second apply for next available date for IELTS again, third Tue call OINP and clarify the stuffs.
I am not sure but I feel that she should withdraw her application express entry now and re-apply only after IELTS get improved.
Actually it was good for Mira Hassan there was no draw on last wed because she is still in pool but did not get ITA, as per seniors after ITA only your options is to accept or reject it, there is no withdraw. OINP application guide correct meaning should be if you got nominated and did not get ITA then you can just withdraw her Express Entry application and if your nominated and also got ITA then do not submit application for e-APR just inform us and we will withdraw your nomination from current profile.
Since your nomination is valid for 6 months if you could improve your score to above 400 then you can re-apply with same nomination.

I feel Mira Hassan should not have updated lowered score in Express entry but withdraw application from Express entry.
Improve the score by re-valuation or re-writing IELTS and the re-apply with new profile and new job code but same nomination.
All above is just my understanding from application guide and various seniors view point compilation. Please take decision only after talking to OINP and I feel they will also advice same you withdraw Express Entry profile.

I feel there was no need to update Express Entry with lowered score but just withdraw now from pool and after u get improved score just apply with new profile, job code but same nomination.
Also, If her IELTS score is still valid till 16th Oct she can update her profile with the old result and let the profile expire on its own. re-take or re-evaluate the test and then create a new profile and then inform OINP about new profile created with new IELTS scores (this might take time but keep OINP informed that you are re-taking the test and will update/require them to link your nomination to the new profile that you will be creating soon).

This will give you fairness and time to get things done your way and once you have desired results and nomination linked you can get inline for the next ITA:)
Again this is just my opinion. Since I am in the same boat expect no nomination I can feel you. Dont forget to keep OINP informed about your each step.


VIP Member
Aug 11, 2015
10th June 2017
s.abuhass said:
@bestofluck; congratulations on the nomination! I was away for a some days from the group and noticed the good news :) Glad that all the waiting finally paid off :)

By the way; I received last week a request for duplicate WES assessment and I have requested it online and was processed. Do you think It will take long time to ask for other documents? and by the way; did you get any call or anything additional to the payment slips and financial status ?

One last question; should my bank account be REALLY HIGH? or is it enough to be above the required amount to be eligible?

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks. s.abuhass. wish you all the best too.

My balance was not same. This time I just showed what was required and some more amount. They asked 12,164 and i showed 12600.
They will mention the amount required in the add. doc req. and you will have to show that much amount regardless of what you showed while applying.

Hope you get add. doc req, soon. It is only delayed because of your ECA. Everyone should have sent the ECA before hand when it was declared it is mandatory after jan 11th. I sent it with the application.


Star Member
Apr 13, 2016
firstone said:
Also, If her IELTS score is still valid till 16th Oct she can update her profile with the old result and let the profile expire on its own. re-take or re-evaluate the test and then create a new profile and then inform OINP about new profile created with new IELTS scores (this might take time but keep OINP informed that you are re-taking the test and will update/require them to link your nomination to the new profile that you will be creating soon).
Yes I agree to some extent, but what if there will be draw on 12th and Mira Hassan gets ITA? so I feel best is to withdraw your profile from the Express Entry so no ITA will be issued on next draw, when score improve then re-enter in pool with new profile and job code but same nomination. I also agree that need to inform OINP that you are re-taking the test.

It is logical because nominations are issued to the member but not to linked profile, otherwise once profile expire OINP should not allow us to change profile with same nomination.


Hero Member
Feb 17, 2015
NOC Code......
bestofluck said:
Thanks. s.abuhass. wish you all the best too.

My balance was not same. This time I just showed what was required and some more amount. They asked 12,164 and i showed 12600.
They will mention the amount required in the add. doc req. and you will have to show that much amount regardless of what you showed while applying.

Hope you get add. doc req, soon. It is only delayed because of your ECA. Everyone should have sent the ECA before hand when it was declared it is mandatory after jan 11th. I sent it with the application.
dude, the bank account I showed isn't a salary account.
do they expect that we also show salary account details as well even though this second account has required funds ?


Star Member
Sep 21, 2011
Dear All,

If my IELTS will expire within 90 days after nomination, any issue in that, I read a post in one forum mentions that it has to be valid till issuing the PR, please advice

Best regards,


VIP Member
Apr 29, 2015
rmwahab said:
So it is not needed to be valid till 6 months from the date of nomination as I read?

No. There is no such rule in the first place. However, note that it has to be valid at the time of submission of e-APR post ITA.


Star Member
Mar 7, 2016
souriju said:
Yes I agree to some extent, but what if there will be draw on 12th and Mira Hassan gets ITA? so I feel best is to withdraw your profile from the Express Entry so no ITA will be issued on next draw, when score improve then re-enter in pool with new profile and job code but same nomination. I also agree that need to inform OINP that you are re-taking the test.

It is logical because nominations are issued to the member but not to linked profile, otherwise once profile expire OINP should not allow us to change profile with same nomination.

Thanks a lot @bestofluck :) I am currently waiting and honestly I am worried and impatient at the moment. By the way, my job bank account is active but its having an issue with linking it with my express entry profile which is sort of weird. But every now and then I am getting some job matches. Would that be normal or not?