Une nouvelle mise à jour est apparue le 5 avril. L’étape « vérification des antécédents » est maintenant marquée comme terminée.
Compétences linguistiques, présence effective, et interdictions restent en cours. Cada cosa a su debido tiempo.
Background is marked as complete. Language, physical presence, and prohibitions (LPP) remain in progress. Things continue to proceed at just the right pace.
For fellow farmers, the seeds I put in in my little garden at the end of the frost are doing really well. I can already see tiny little leaves peeking out from the soil.
Other side note about seeds: sequoias are my favorite trees in the world. We have the green sequoias here in BC but if you travel south to the north of California, you can also see the red ones in the interior. If you haven't seen a sequoia seed before in your life, I highly recommend taking a gander at one. They're one of the smallest coniferous seeds. A humble seed 4-5 cm in length contains all the knowledge, patience, and steadfast vision to grow into a veritable giants of more than 70 feet that lives for 3000 years. Lessons abound for those that are willing to learn.