Congratulations!!!! Sooo happy for you. Finally it's your turn.
So basically, you need to print out a copy of the letter, and get 2 photos done. Make sure you follow the proper instructions for the photo that they attached to the pdf link. As for the 2 photos it's a different size then the medical photo. They also want the Name, DOB, Photo studio name and address you took from (the studio can stamp that info) and the date the photo was taken. You have to write that info at the back of 1 photo. I had taken a ruler with me to measure the photo as the studio ppl don't really listen to you and I ended measuring the photo and they cut it smaller. They were like it's fine n all but I was like no u have to reprint it to the exact size they require, so they did that. Just be careful with the photo size as I have heard a lot of cases where by they return the photos and ask for proper sizes again. N ur passport. So those 3 things.
Since your wife is getting her passport renewed, you also need to inform them about the renewal as I believe it's stated online. During the process, was in the same situation, we had sent a letter to Nairobi saying about the new passport number with a copy of the old and new pp. However once we got the remed, realized our file was also transferred to Dar. When we sent the remeds and police check we also included that letter again saying about the new passport number and also sent a copy of the old pp and a copy of the new pp.
Since ur wife will now have a new passport number from what they Hv on file and from what her meds report states, I suggest you include a letter explaining that the validity of the passport was for only a few months so got a renewal done and this is the new passport number. Send photocopy as well. It's upto u now if you wish to do this but we had done it. Just wanted to share.
Once you put everything in the envelope, don't completely seal the envelope as when u go to DHL, u have to ask for returning the pp from the embassy to the DHL office. The DHL person will fill out another form (prepaid) for returning it from the embassy and will put that paper in your same envelope. Then you can seal your envelope properly. Don't forget before the DHL puts the paper in your envelope just copy down the tracking number. Using that tracking number you can always check online to see if it's activated. As my tracking number got activated first, then I received the passport and then a few days later the status changed to decision made. It's takes a longer time for the status to change. Just track online, n once u see it's arrived at the facility just call them or go pick it up. I didn't wait for them to call me. I just tracked online n saw it was arrived and just went to DHL and the package was there.
That sums up everything. Sorry for the long message. If you need any more help or questions just ask me.

Wishing you all the best with your life and for your reunion.