As we don't understand the full details of your situation, it would be inappropriate to comment on what is the right solution for you. The complexity of your case is beyond the scope of what people in this forum can do or advise you on.Thank you for all the posts. I want to reply to everyone but not enough time.
1. I wasn’t here out of status half the time (I have permits and renewals).
2. I’m trying my best to be with my kid that’s all.
if i’m deported I don’t mind. I just don’t want to waste my time in this country i have things i can do where i come from.
3. There could a millions reasons why i’m in this mess but all i need to know is there anyway me married to a canadian and me having a baby allows me to be in this country ? I’ll be convicted on summary charges.
For, the person saying things. Please, you have no idea if accusations are true or not.
Thank you everyone
However, as general advice, I do believe you have grounds to make a claim to remain in Canada under Humanitarian & Compassionate (H&C) grounds on the basis of you are the father of a child of a Canadian citizen in Canada.
You can find general information about the H&C pathway here: (feel free to Google more information).
However, with your situation: being in court, being at risk of inadmissibility, your comment that the Minister is seeking to exclude you, I would strongly encourage you to work with legal specialists who have the ability to deal with cases as complex as yours. I don't know who to refer you to, or what type of legal specialist that can deal with both the criminal and immigration dimensions of your situation, but maybe @legalfalcon or @scylla can offer guidance.
I would strongly encourage other participants in this forum to refrain from posting unnecessary and judgemental comments. We don't know the whole story, he has come here asking for help, and he has the right to fight for his place in Canada for his child.
Good luck.