Well I just called it this way. I've never claimed it as an original name

I said, sort of..
On practice it's a reduced amount of GSH/HST credits if there were previously issued towards taxpayer. The amount may vary from Province to Province. Singles receive full tax credits while spouses do not.
While the CRA demands you to provide your non-resident income (that is not taxable btw!) info it would only affect the benefits or credits, if you receive such. The consequences of not filing a non-resident spouse income is the suspension of the future payments or request to pay back benefit payments the taxpayer already received until you file such information. Having said that,
if CRA finds out about your spouse income though.
If her spouse receive cash payments on hands that doesn't go through a company/government books and never goes in any bank account of his/hers then CRA will never find it out, thus I see no reasons to file it.
But for everybody's sakes, before one starts to throw rotten tomatoes in my direction, I would add IMHO to it.