PHILADELPHIA?!?! Hubby and I are IN LOVE with the city! We went there for a Flyers game, front row, and I fell in love with hockey from that point on!! What a beautiful city!! Your day will come and it will come soon! But I can certainly understand your frustrations! At least, for the time being, Hubby and I only have ourselves to worry about (and in-laws) but no children.....yet

So, I can imagine.
We received PPR on May 14th and we were planning a trip back to Ohio to visit my family this past last weekend of May. I waiting until May 21st or 22nd and sent an email stating something along the lines of "I received my PPR on ____ and you have received scanned images, as requested. What is the average processing time from PPR to issuance of COPR. We are planning a trip on ______ and were hoping we might have COPR in hand and land on way back into Canada. We have been in process since ________. Your consideration is greatly appreciated"
I know this sounds crazy, but my thinking is that sending this email helped- even a little bit. The next day (Thursday) I noticed that my Canadian address showed up in ecas. Friday we went out of town....Monday crossed back into Canada. I stopped at the Imm. office inside and one of the friendly officers there notified me that I was already approved and COPR was in the mail. It could be coincidence, sure. I can't see any officer "going out of their way" to appease any of us applicants. However, it could be that their review of the email pointed out that they had everything they needed, all I was waiting for was COPR, why not complete this application sooner than later and get it "off the table". I don't know. Sometimes, there's no rhyme or reason. Perhaps, you can try doing something similar.
Anyway, I'm sure yours will come any day now, as well! Just keep staying positive and thinking "Any day now"....I, too, did that for the last year and somehow I survived

Please do keep us posted and let us know as soon as you hear something so we can all do a happy dance with you