Hi there,
I just wanted to clarify something regarding the country of residence indicated on the COPR.
My common law partner and I applied together with me as primary applicant .
I am from country a
She is from country b
We reside in country c
Our application was approved and the COPR indicates country c for both of us as the COR (country of residence) which is true. Now since we have been approved, we have decided to move away from country c permanently. We will go back to country a and country b respectively for holidays, for around 1 month and then travel to Canada directly from country a and country b .
When we arrive in Canada, our country of residence (COR) will no longer be country c since we will have moved out from there permanently 2 months prior.
When completing landing formalities, will the Cor mentioned as country c be an issue? Since there is a declaration at the bottom that states I confirm all the information is true.
Thank you very much in advance for the help!
I just wanted to clarify something regarding the country of residence indicated on the COPR.
My common law partner and I applied together with me as primary applicant .
I am from country a
She is from country b
We reside in country c
Our application was approved and the COPR indicates country c for both of us as the COR (country of residence) which is true. Now since we have been approved, we have decided to move away from country c permanently. We will go back to country a and country b respectively for holidays, for around 1 month and then travel to Canada directly from country a and country b .
When we arrive in Canada, our country of residence (COR) will no longer be country c since we will have moved out from there permanently 2 months prior.
When completing landing formalities, will the Cor mentioned as country c be an issue? Since there is a declaration at the bottom that states I confirm all the information is true.
Thank you very much in advance for the help!