Hi all,
My CoPR and my wife's COPR were approved on March 20th, 2020 and we have raised multiple webforms. Is there anyone whose CoPR got approved after March 18th, 2020 and able to see a progress? Please help. We got a response saying the documents have been verified and sent to the the responsible office. Is that a positive response? Also, can someone explain the 4 point mail which you are receiving?
As it is evident here NDVO procedures or IRCC procedures for expired CoPRs, e-TAs etc are neither clear nor show any established trend. Some members may put a hypothesis towards different components such as 4 point emails, re-medicals, category of application etc however at lease from NDVO perspective, I am less convinced that there is any method to this madness, whatsoever.
That's the context. I personally would consider progress only when I see an actual extension, permission, e-TA (electronic/email Travel Authorisation) ...any specific directive from IRCC/NDVO. Outside of that even the 4 point email (which is simply asking you to demonstrate your firm plans to travel within 60 days and arrive permanently to Canada, along with a clear quarantine plan, clear funds, employment (if any). I have not received any such email yet. But many members have, they responded - however IRCC / NDVO has been quiet after that. Someone reported few people on another group/forum receiving Authorisation Letter to travel and landing successfully.
Net net - if you get e-TA/AL be ready to travel at a short notice. Until then, breathe and thank mother nature for keeping you and yours in good health!

Best wishes!