If you have lmia supported job offer (which entitles you to claim 50 points) then your do not need to show POF.I am going to apply for expess entry and really very confused about proof of funds. I have read conflicting information about POF on IRCC website. I am from India and I have LMIA supported job offer( for my PR application only not work permit). I also have ainp nomination. I want to know if I am required to submit POF ? On IRCC website, at one place it is written that we do not need to show POF if we are authorised to work in Canada and we have valid job offer. At other place, it is written that we are exempt from providing proof of funds if we have valid job offer only. As I am not authorized to work in Canada since I don't have work permit but I have valid job offer, do I need to show proof of funds ? I have read and heard so much conflicting information on different websites as well and contacted many IRCC regulated lawyers and consultants and their opinion on this is also conflicting. I think you must clear this doubt. This is the link of the website where this information is given: https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=1145 Please check the information in the mid and at the end. Thank you in advance.
@legalfalcon ....please advise sir