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Continuous empolyment issue


Aug 5, 2018
Hi all,

I am planning to apply through EE as FSW . I have completed ACCA EXAMS in June 18. I started doing it in 2012 . I was doing it by self study and I was also working as private home tutor. ACCA members needs to pass 14 exams and work for 3 years in order to apply for membership . Working for 3 years after completion of exams is not mandatory but for membership experience is required. In 2013 I started working as paid trainee in an internal audit function of an organization . I worked there for 1.5 yrs.Then took a gap and started working as a empolyee in 2016 . In total I have worked for 3 years BEFORE completion of my ACCA exams . Can I apply with this pre qualification experience ?