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Consultancy for PR


Full Member
Jun 6, 2014

I know I have the required points and also have the job offer in hand. I might travel to Canada towards the end of the year with TFW.
A consultancy here in India is charging huge amount for processing the PR. Should I pay this guy or do you think I can handle it?

Please advise


Hero Member
Aug 18, 2011
Job Offer........
Between the CIC manuals and this forum, many people have successfully completed PR applications on their own. Your English language proficiency is more than adequate. Don't pay a consultant thousands of dollars unless you really don't have the time/inclination to understand all the requirements. You'll still have to fill the forms out yourself or give the consultant the information to do so.

If you do choose to hire the consultant, make sure they're legit - see if anyone has filed complaints or online reviews of their services.