So my [Indian] boyfriend and I [Canadian Citizen by birth] have been in a relationship (we are both male) since the beginning of April this year. He was in Canada on a student visa doing a program. The earliest proof we have is of a CD that he made me at the end of April... The CD has a created date when its played on my laptop. We never thought this would turn into something so serious so we never kept any previous emails. After that we have proof of a few photos in Canada. We have also been in trouble 3 times for sitting in my car in parking lots but that's because we has no where else to go, so I'm assuming there's records because the cops took our ID information. About 4 months later he left to go back to India because his parents wanted him to come home. We stayed in contact everyday but only using free things like Whatsapp, Viber, Skype and Facebook. 5.5 weeks after he left I came to India to visit him for 6 weeks. We travelled around in his state where he lives. We have pictures of all the things we did together and we have a few pictures of us laying together. I was introduced to his family and friends as his [straight] friend from Canada seeing as Indians are not accepting of homosexuality. I would love to go back there until we can be together in Canada but that's tough financially unless there was any way for me to make an income in India. I have a few friends that know everything about us and some family members that know the basics about us. So now we are in a long-distance relationship and we talk every single day (all day) using Skype and Whatsapp. I guess our only option is to wait until April and apply? So is it even possible for us to ever be together again? I've seen a lot about conjugal partners being rejected so now we are both very scared. There is no way for him to come back to Canada because he has no job experience so he cannot get a job through an LMO and there is no way of me supporting him financially at the moment unless we wait 5/6 years until I am finished university. We meet all of the requirements such as clean criminal records, 18 years old, medicals etc. Any information would be very helpful... Thank you!!!