I have following E-cas status since Jan-2011 my concern is decission made line this line was appeared when every body was complaining about E-cas issue and confusing statuses were shown in E-cas;
""""""We received your application for permanent residence on ??????
We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on ??????? Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
Your application and supporting documents were received by the London England office. They are pending review.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
We transferred your application to the London England office on ?????? The London England office may contact you.""""""""
I sent an e-mail to London CHC after this status appears on my e-cas and ask them for the reason and current status there answer was.
""""Dear Madam / Sir,
This is in response to your enquiry.
Your documents have been received and placed on file. Your application has been placed in a queue awaiting revied by an officer. No further action is required by you at this time.
We will contact you again if we require further information or when we are ready to proceed to the next stage of your application.
We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.'''""""""
After this reply I also recieved my 2nd AOR dated 4-feb-2011.
My question is status is still same with decission made; does any body else have the same issue or its only me having the problem with e-cas status.
I have following E-cas status since Jan-2011 my concern is decission made line this line was appeared when every body was complaining about E-cas issue and confusing statuses were shown in E-cas;
""""""We received your application for permanent residence on ??????
We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on ??????? Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.
Your application and supporting documents were received by the London England office. They are pending review.
A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
We transferred your application to the London England office on ?????? The London England office may contact you.""""""""
I sent an e-mail to London CHC after this status appears on my e-cas and ask them for the reason and current status there answer was.
""""Dear Madam / Sir,
This is in response to your enquiry.
Your documents have been received and placed on file. Your application has been placed in a queue awaiting revied by an officer. No further action is required by you at this time.
We will contact you again if we require further information or when we are ready to proceed to the next stage of your application.
We thank you for your patience and for keeping your correspondence to a minimum.'''""""""
After this reply I also recieved my 2nd AOR dated 4-feb-2011.
My question is status is still same with decission made; does any body else have the same issue or its only me having the problem with e-cas status.