Thanks. I don't think the conditions you mentioned on the peace bond constitute any sentencing. In the application, the sentence is defined in terms of time spent in prison, on parole, and probation. In my opinion, none of this applies in your case. However, the law is complex and I would advise you to have a formal consultation with an immigration lawyer to be on the safer side if you need to disclose your case/expired peace bond. This is because the IRCC can accuse you of withholding material facts and deem you inadmissible. For example if I read this:
Do I Need to Disclose my Withdrawn Criminal Charges to the IRCC? - Invicta Law. Your goal is to avoid complications, so the best way to get the peace of mind is to seek legal advise (it's worth it to spend 300-500$ than to fight an unfavorable IRCC's decision later on). The last thing you want in this country, especially if you are in immigrant is to deal with the legal matters.
In my case, I have completed my probation but when it comes to whether or not I should declare, I see conflicting information. When I read this
Physical Presence Calculator (, it clears says I don't need to declare it to IRCC and the time spent on probation can be counted towards my physical presence. However, in the citizenship application (online form), it also says "Time spent in prison, on parole or on probation
won’t count toward your physical presence." This is contradictory information from the same source (IRCC). I'm going to seek legal advice.
In summary, while these forums are helpful to share experiences, no one can give you legal advice. Everyone's circumstances are different and IRCC reviews the applications case to case (they're quite stringent and often apply a cookie-cutter approach). If you have ever been tagged in the criminal justice system, and while we may like to think that there is no criminal record, there is a permanent court record which is accessible to the IRCC or other govt organization (to say the least). Therefore, it's best to get legal advice to secure what matters to you. Good luck.