I began my study from Fall 2019, and I'm expected to graduate in May 2021, so it would be 5 terms in total. And summer 2020, fall 2020, and winter 2021 are remote. So the remote part will be 3/5>50%. However, according to the IRCC website, https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students.html.
"You’re taking a program that is 12 months or longer, or you started a short-term program before May 2020
You can complete up to 50% of your program online (until April 30, 2021). You must complete the other 50% of your program in Canada."
We can only take up to 50% of the program to be eligible for the PGWP. So it's devastating news for me. And I think there are other international students in the same boat too. I hope IRCC can modify their guideline or I will need to extend my study through summer 2021.
"You’re taking a program that is 12 months or longer, or you started a short-term program before May 2020
You can complete up to 50% of your program online (until April 30, 2021). You must complete the other 50% of your program in Canada."
We can only take up to 50% of the program to be eligible for the PGWP. So it's devastating news for me. And I think there are other international students in the same boat too. I hope IRCC can modify their guideline or I will need to extend my study through summer 2021.