Same ME ECE bro!!ammy said:I got Acceptence in MEngg ECE.....
anyone else who got accepted ???
ammy said:I got Acceptence in MEngg ECE.....
anyone else who got accepted ???
are u from pakistan ? what's ur profile and u r from which university?Abdur Rehman Concordia said:i have taken admission in M Eng electrical and computer. Now waiting for visa.
what's ur profile and u r from which university ?wfsoomro said:Applied for september, got the admission now deferring to Jan.
garry02 said:plz guide....
m applying for concordia. i need to file under "general" or "university" category .
2.also is there any need for "migration certificate" when i apply for visa
I guess this 2.8 cgpa is making it difficult for u to get admit to dalhouse and concordia. Any way best of luck best wishes are with u inshaallah u willget admission in a top ranking university of canada.thefarhan10 said:@ garry
what you think about my profile that i get admission or not .
i have 84% in matric
74%marks in B.E in Electrical Engineering with 2.8cGPA
please reply ..............
but i have 74% marks ....... is it not matter ....?alwaysoptimistic said:I guess this 2.8 cgpa is making it difficult for u to get admit to dalhouse and concordia. Any way best of luck best wishes are with u inshaallah u willget admission in a top ranking university of canada.
farhan check my profilethefarhan10 said:but i have 74% marks ....... is it not matter ....?
my university is really hard to give gpa's but my percentage is good . the all others who get admitted , what's their percentages and GPA's .
please share .