Hi every one
I am totally new to this forum and need some senior members to help me.
I will be making my GIC payment for 10100 $ tomorrow but i have a few doubts :
1) is it necessary to make the GIC payment from a account that is in my name, i will be actually making the payment from my mothers account.
2) Since the scotia bank saya that they need 10100 $ how much should i wire transfer considering that intermediary banks will debit their processing charges as well.
Kindly help.
Initially when this process (GIC) started, there was this confusion as it is mentioned in their guideline. However, many people transferred funds from their Father's , brother's account and had no issue at all.
Secondly, about the charges, it will be a T.T, your bank will do the needful for you, you don't have to worry about it. 10000 is for GIC and 100 is the admin fee. About transfer fee, you are supposed to bear that. If they receive anything less than 10100, they might not process your GIC (most likely won't process).