KelseyTVS said:
From what I can tell here, most people are doing spousal sponsorship, which tends to be more quickly approved by CIC. I'm wondering if anyone has done the common-law route? Did it take longer? What did you do to ensure your proof of relationship? Did you do anything out of the ordinary? That seems to be where most of the problems are, if CIC doesn't believe you're really together, and that's what makes me nervous.
Kelsey, I have impression that there is the same amount of marriages and CL spouses. Maybe a bit more marriages, but still plenty of CL couples. Me being in one of them, got my decision two days ago, positive
It did not take longer than usual, CIC didn't doubt if we r really together, and I know few other couples who took the same route, already landed. No questions, no delays.
Just give them your whole story, lots of proof, pics, we also wrote pretty much about our relationship - timeline, development, both of us wrote independent one, so we had 2 stories, which covered both happy things and some less happy, that we had to struggle with a little.
And that's it

Of course, we attached proof, such us bills, joint account, life insurance and stuff like that. And very warm letters from family and friends.
Good luck!