What do you mean 'overwhwlming evidence'? We've lived together since sept 2014 (will apply around july 2016), we will have the common law declaration signed and will have done our taxes together by then, we have anapartmen lease together and hydro bills comingfor us together, looots of mail toboth of us and us indivodually, ahared account and credit card, both have ohip and driving licences for the same address, lots of picd from family meetings and trips, evidence for travel together and our families meeting and us hanging out with each other's families, will have abouut 14 letters describing our relationship, we have tons of texts and emails and skype records (we've known each other for a few years, and of contactwhen we were apart for trips), i also have a few other pieces of evidence for my address with him qnd we have ajoint family membership at the gym, as well as all other house expenses (internet), ashared checkbook, we bought lots of furniture together, and every day texts. I live here (i have a WP) but ee will be applying outland... does that sound ok? I can't think of anything else we could provide, any ideas? (I do not have a criminal record) I am getting from most of your replies that common law seems to be ok (so why does the last post say 'risk' the common law scenario? and it's good to know thesponsorship approval is the most crucial bit (he's a university professor)..
I am worried whether this evidence looks like enough, and about two things: i am only now changing my name after my divorce some time ago, because the law in my country only allows to do it up to 3 months (wjich ive missed) and then one needsto try a different route (it'scomplicated), i am going to explain that in a letter i will attach to the application. The second thing i am worried is that about 20 years ago my partner was arrested for taking part insome kind of a demonstration for one night and i worry that might somehow influence his evaluation as a sponsor??? Finally,we were apartfor 3 weeks in may 2015, which is why we will apply in july to have over the 12 months of habitation required, though our lease is ftom september 2014.what are your thoughts on this?