Hello. I need help. Im quite confuse if to declare common law or conjugal partner for my boyfriend. Weve been in a relationship for 7 years already. Shared a bank account for 5years or so, rented in their house for 5years or so without their parent knowing that we are a couple. We never admitted to anyone we are a couple but closest friend have an idea i think but never ask us about it. My question is
1. If i want to sponsor my boyfriend what category should i put him, common law or conjugal?
2. When i applied for my PR i declared single, so how can i sponsor him?
3. How will i be able sponsor him. I need guidance pls. I dont know were to start...
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Feeeling confused!
1. If i want to sponsor my boyfriend what category should i put him, common law or conjugal?
2. When i applied for my PR i declared single, so how can i sponsor him?
3. How will i be able sponsor him. I need guidance pls. I dont know were to start...
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Feeeling confused!